
PhD positions:


15 PhD positions are open for application: International PhD Programme "Industrialized Riverine Landscapes" within doctoral school HR21. More details about this conference can be found here on the IRL_PhD_programme.


Letter of the IAD President, Prof. Bernd Cyffka,

Dear members and friends of the IAD, Dear colleagues, The year 2023 is behind us and I hope that it was an eventful but also successful year for everyone. In February 2023, we were able to carry out successfully the 44th IAD conference in Krems/Austria. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Alexander Kirschner and his team once again as the leading organisers here! In 2024, our IAD initiatives will be continued in our expert groups, in some cases combined with their own meetings. I would like to thank all the expert group leaders as well as the country representatives for their initiatives and the associated support for the IAD.
The next IAD meeting, 26th IAD conference, is planned for 2025 in Bulgaria. We will of course publish the corresponding calls in our organs, so later as announcement on our IAD website, and also in the Danube News ( I would like to thank especially Katrin Teubner and Gertrud Haidvogl  for their work on the IAD website and for taking the lead in editing Danube News. Thanks also to Cristina Sandu for her support as Vice President.
The next Joint Danube Survey (JDS5) of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) also will be in 2025, certainly provide interesting results on the state of "our" river. With regard to the ICPDR, the IAD Presidium is regularly represented at meetings, such as the 26th ICPDR Ordinary Meeting in Vienna in December 2023. The ICPDR is divided into Expert and Task Groups and, as an ICPDR Observer, the IAD can participate in these groups. Limited IAD presidium participation in the twelve ICPDR working groups (see:, however, is due to time constraints, but there's potential for increased interest among IAD members. If you are interested in participating in these groups, please contact me (
I wish you a good start to 2024 and hope to meet some of you in person over the course of the year.
Prof. Bernd Cyffka, President of IAD


Season's Greetings!

On behalf of the Presidium of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD) I thank all members and friends of IAD for their active support and cooperation the recent months, and wish you Happy New Year 2024.

PD Dr. Katrin Teubner, General Secretary of IAD


Minisymposium, Vienna, Austria: 11. May 2023, 18:15

The 100th minisymposium at the Centre of Environmental History (Zentrum für Umwelt-geschichte, ZUG) about Lake Neusiedl and its soda pans, entitled "Früher war alles ganz anders: Landschaftsrekonstruktion um den Neusiedler See und der Lacken im Seewinkel", will be in Vienna, at BOKU, 11. May 2023, 18:15 (abstract) , see further information at ÖK: Austrian Committee of the IAD.

2023-February-11, 44th IAD-conference in Krems, Austria:

Danube River Excursion

Abstract Book of 44. IAD-conference entitled
"Scientific cooperation in the Danube River Basin: Tackling present and future environmental challenges of a European riverscape", which was organized by Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, Krems, ICC Water & Health and ÖK-IAD (Austrian Committee of the IAD) can be downloaded here. The proceedings volume of proceedings articles will be prepared soon.

Cover DN46

Danube News issue no. 46
is released!

DN46 announces the major conference topics that will be issued at 44th IAD conference, in Krems Febr 2023. The three main articles in DN46 are about the "restoration and ecology of sterlets in the Austrian Danube", the "perspectives and management options for the ecology of the urban floodplain Lower Lobau" and of purpose statements & opinions about "Danube Landscapes – history, diversity, conflicts, identity, but no lobby!".
Readers are welcome to download this latest issue as volume Danube News or Danube News Articles!


Season's Greetings!

On behalf of the Presidium of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD) I thank all members and friends of IAD for their active support and cooperation the recent year, and wish you Happy New Year 2023.
We are looking forward to welcome many IAD members as well as researchers and friends of the Danube River to the upcoming 44th IAD Conference in Krems in February 2023.
PD Dr. Katrin Teubner, General Secretary of IAD


Young Scientist
Travel Grant
(IAD-YSTR 2023 Krems),
call open:

IAD-YSTR 2023 Krems intends to promote early career scientists (PhD students, PostDocs) from the Danube Region by supporting their participation in the 44th IAD conference, on Scientific cooperation in the Danube River Basin: Tackling present and future environmental challenges of a European riverscape,
6. to 9. February 2023, in Krems, Austria.
How to apply? See Applying for IAD-YSTG 2023

2022-August-31, Conference Venue Kiev is postponed to Krems, 6. to 9. Febr. 2023:

Registration is opened

The 44th IAD-conference entitled
"Scientific cooperation in the Danube River Basin: Tackling present and future environmental challenges of a European riverscape" will be in Krems, Austria, organized by the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, Krems, ICC Water & Health and ÖK-IAD. At the 44th IAD conference website, the registration is opened. (Logo: photo-credit

ORF press release:

Lobau - Symposium

Workshop about Danube Floodplain Lobau, Vienna: The press release can be downloaded by the link ORF , or as pdf-print of the original document ORF Pressemitteilung and as translation ORF press release (Engl).

Save The Date:

Lobau Soll Leben

Workshop about Danube Floodplain Lobau, Vienna: The folders for the save-the-date and for the program are available as download.


Letter of Greetings from the New IAD-President

"... As a President of IAD, I (therefore) will aspire to keep the IAD network together and to strengthen it as tightly and as powerfully as possible. Furthermore, I would try to focus IAD research on important issues of our century, such as biodiversity (aquatic as well as semi-terrestrial), river, floodplain and wetland restoration, limitation of hydropower especially in combination with hydro-morphological issues, free flowing rivers, and climate change. My vision is to keep the international standing of IAD as visible and high as possible and to strengthen its influence in the Danube Catchment – scientifically and politically!" The complete letter by Prof. Bernd Cyffka can be downloaded here.
Prof. Bernd Cyffka, IAD president

Cover DN43

Danube News issue no. 44
is released!

DN44 is a special volume about the Joint Danube Survey 4 (JDS4) in year 2019 and highlights some current results of diverse methodology applied here for many and various investigations and of the network of plenty scientific collaborations along the Danube River!
Readers are welcome to download this latest issue as volume Danube News or Danube News Articles!


Season's Greetings!

On behalf of the Presidium of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD) I thank all members and friends of IAD for their active support and cooperation the recent months, and wish you Happy New Year 2022.
We welcome Bernd Cyffka as new IAD President with New Year, and say thanks to Cristina Sandu continuing as Vice President. I also want to take the opportunity here to Thank Cristina as IAD President for her commitment in many ways in 2021 as well as in previous years promoting IAD, her many successful initiatives to make IAD more visible for people in the River Danube Basin -
words of thanks also for Thomas Hein for having actively helped to develop IAD further as international association for over 12 years.
PD Dr. Katrin Teubner, General Secretary of IAD

Conference announced:

ABIC in September 2022

The Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference (ABIC) is planned in a hybrid way (physical presence and online, 20.-22.9.2022). More details about this conference can be found here on the ABIC_8 Website.

First announcement:

44th IAD conference,
will be in Ukraine!

The upcoming IAD-conference entitled
"The Danube River, from the Black Forest to the Black Sea – different countries, common challenges, sustainable solutions"
will be held on 1–4 November 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine. It will be organized by the Institute of Hydrobiology National Academy of Science of Ukraine. More details about the conference sessions and brief introduction of conference host can be downloaded here.

Two conferences announced:

Joint ESENIAS & DIAS 2021 AND ABIC 2022

The Joint ESENIAS and DIAS Scientific Conference and 10th ESENIAS Workshop will be from from 7.-9. December 2021. Deadline for submitting abstracts and registration is extended until 22 November 2021. Further details about this on-line conference can be read in the 3rd announcement.
In 2022, the Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference (ABIC) is planned in a hybrid way (physical presence and online, 20.-22.9.2022). More details about this conference can be found here on the ABIC_8 Website.

Press release:

11th DAC was issued on “Climate change and climate control”!

On 22 October 2021, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) organised the
11th Conference of the Danube Academies (DAC). The topic of this on-line Conference was “Climate change and climate control” (11_DAC-Abstract_Book), with three presentations about activities of members of International Association for Danube Research (IAD). An English version of the press release about the 11th DAC conference is available as pdf or can be downloaded from BAC-Website.


Congratulations to our elected NEW IAD PRESIDENT,
Prof. Dr. Bernd Cyffka

The election was held at General Assembly on 22. June 2021, during 43rd IAD conference. Bernd Cyffka, Professor and Head of Applied Physical Geography, is further the Head of the Floodplain Institute in Neuburg at the Danube. He has represented Germany in the IAD since 2015. With his statement after election he underlined the importance of IAD, to dedicate IAD as international network boosting an awareness of sustainability issues to future generations along the whole Danube River connecting countries and people. Dr. Cristina Sandu was nominated as candidate for vice presidency and with her election we welcome her being further part in the presidium of IAD. The new presidium will start their turn in January 2022 and will be supported by IAD General Secretary, PD Dr. Katrin Teubner. On behalf of all IAD members we say Thank You to Prof. Dr. Thomas Hein for his commitment to IAD for over 12 years – who acted as our IAD president from 2010-2016 and was still active as IAD Vice President from 2017-2021.

Cover DN43

Danube News issue no. 43
is released!

In this issue we provide an overview about the recent situation of hydropower plants in the Danube River Basin, their ecological impacts, the threats posed by new development plans and the lessons learned from the past years. We thank our both editors, PD Dr. Gertrud Haidvogl and Prof. Bernd Cyffka, preparing DN43. Readers are welcome to download this latest issue as volume Danube News or Danube News Articles!


Award "Naturerbe Donau",
application for year 2022 has been opened!

The submission of applications for "Naturerbe Donau" is open from 1.March to 31.July 2021, announced by the Private Foundation "Naturerbe Donau" The aim of supporting achievements for Danube Floodplain are further described in the Flyer "Naturerbe Danube". The application form can be downloaded here.


Prof. Roumen Kalchev
died on 12.3.2021 due to COVID-19 infection!

With great sadness we have to inform that one of our IAD board members, Prof. Roumen Kalchev, died yesterday, on 12. March 2021, because of covid infection in a hospital in Bulgaria.
We have lost an active board member of IAD and a good friend – he always stimulated constructive relationships among people of our scientific community of IAD – we have valued Roumen for his friendly and open attitude and his interest in transboundary cooperation (IAD_CV).
We will miss Roumen - we will not forget him.


43rd IAD conference,
registration and updates!

The IAD conference entitled
"Rivers and Floodplains in the Anthropocene - Upcoming Challenges in the Danube River Basin" will be held as virtual conference from 9-11 June 2021.
Updates for registration and call for abstracts at 43rd IAD conference website and flyer, preliminary conference program.


Season's Greetings
for New Year 2021!

On behalf of the Presidium of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD) I thank all members and friends of IAD for their active support and cooperation the recent months, and wish you Healthy New Year 2021!

Katrin Teubner, General Secretary of IAD

Cover DN42

Danube News issue no. 42
is released!

Our thanks to both editors, PD Dr. Gertrud Haidvogl and Prof. Bernd Cyffka. Readers are welcome to download this latest issue as volume Danube News or Danube News Articles!


Adventures of Starry,the brave Sturgeon (2020):

This Children's Book by Sandu, Vahtar & Miękisz has been realeased September 2020. It is available in English and further 10 Languages of the Danubian Countries. This booklet can be visited on-line or downloaded free of charge for a personal copy on IAD Educational Issues: Starry.
It comes together with a Colouring Book, also prepared in multilingual translations IAD Couloring Book Starry

Cover DN40

Danube News issue no. 40
is released!

The anniversary volume of Danube News, no. 40, is now available. Our thanks to both editors, Dr. Haidvogl and Dr. Cyffka. Readers are welcome to download this latest issue as volume Danube News or Danube News Articles!


Young Scientist
Travel Grant
(IAD-YSTR 2020),
call open:

IAD-YSTR 2019 intends to promote early career scientists (PhD students, PostDocs) from the Danube Region by supporting their participation in the 43rd IAD conference, on Rivers and Floodplains in the Anthropocene - Upcoming Challenges in the Danube River Basin, 26.October to 29.October 2020, in Neuburg, Germany.
How to apply? See Applying for IAD-YSTG 2020


43rd IAD conference,
registration and updates!

The IAD conference entitled
"Rivers and Floodplains in the Anthropocene - Upcoming Challenges in the Danube River Basin" will be at the Aueninstitut Neuburg (Germany)
Updates for registration and call for abstracts at 43rd IAD conference website


4th IWA conference
registration is now open!

The conference
"Regional IWA Diffuse Pollution Conference" will be in Vienna (Austria), from 14. to 17.September 2020.
Call for content at 4th IWA conference website

4th IWA conference 2020 flyer as pdf here


CEEPUS summer-school
“Biodiversity in the Danube Floodplain”

Within the CEEPUS network EcoManAqua – the CEEPUS summer-school “Biodiversity in the Danube Floodplain” coordinated by the Josip-Juraj-Strossmayer-University Osijek will take place at the Nature Park Kopački Rit, Croatia from 6-11 July, 2020. The 3 ECTS summer-school includes lectures, case-studies & field-sessions to assess and monitor the biodiversity of algae, macrophytes, invertebrates, fishes and birds. Limited number of student slots available, hence register CEEPUS Homepage! Download info as pdf here


Season's Greetings!

On behalf of the Presidium of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD) I thank all members and friends of IAD for their active support and cooperation the recent months, and wish you Happy New Year 2020.
Katrin Teubner, General Secretary of IAD


43th IAD conference
is announced

The next IAD conference entitled "Rivers and Floodplains in the Anthropocene - Upcoming Challenges in the Danube River basin" will be held at the Aueninstitut Neuburg (Germany), from 14.7. to 17.7.2020.



An initiative by Water Framework Directive (WFD), focussing on preservation of the EU clean water law, invites to join the statement “Europe’s biodiversity depends on healthy freshwater ecosystems”!



This conference will be from 25.-28. September 2019, in Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania
conference homepage, conference proceeding articles are published in TRSER

Foto credit: Sinisa Ozimec

The 2019 IAD-Expert Group Macrophytes Meeting,Suza, Croatia (14-16 June, 2019)

16 colleagues were originally listed for attending this convention of macrophyte experts under the umbrella of the IAD-Expert Group Macrophytes, representing 8 countries in the Danube Basin. The Key Note lecture was given by Prof. Siniša Ozimec on floristic and ecological values of the Nature Park. Field trips were directed to parts of the Danube River bank area and to channels with abundant Water Lily growth at the Mali Sakadaš, through the main water bodies of the Kopački Rit Nature Park and to a NATURA 2000 site representing Steppic Grassland flora in Bilje. Strategic discussion was focused on future activities as e.g. the compilation and publication of the, so far unpublished, information and data not yet covered in the book ‘Macrophytes of the River Danube Basin’, and some border-crossing topics involving EG-members in adjacent Danube Countries.


IAD Young Scientist
Travel Grant for ISRS, Vienna
(IAD-YSTR 2019), call open:

IAD-YSTR 2019 intends to promote early career scientists (PhD students, PostDocs) from the Danube Region by supporting their participation in the
6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS), on Riverine Landscapes as Coupled Socio-Ecological Systems, 8.–13. Sept. 2019, in Vienna.
How to apply? See Application form IAD-YSTR 2019


Season’s greetings from IAD presidium!

We appreciate your manifold contributions for Danube Science & Danube Conservation – we say Thank You and Best Wishes for NEW YEAR 2019!
Cristina Sandu, Thomas Hein and Katrin Teubner


Joint ESENIAS and DIAS Scientific Conference and 8th ESENIAS Workshop, Bucharest, 26.-28.09.2018

Management and sharing of IAS data to support knowledge-based decision making at regional level 26-28 September 2018 Bucharest, Romania. You are more than well come!


IAD 42 Danube - a lifeline governed by multiple uses, pressures and a multitude of ecosystem services


The 42 IAD Conference will provide a forum for the presentation of long-term multidisciplinary research activities and discussions on various topics like: bio- and geo-diversity - from headwaters to marine environment - values and threats; fish-ecology as basis to ensure sustainable fishery practices; the importance of vegetation for the aquatic environment; structure and development of invertebrate communities; water quality monitoring and quality targets for local uses or river water; microbiological quality of Danube ecosystems; eco-toxicological impact of aquatic contaminants; transformations and connectivity fluxes between river structures; evolution of the Danube River basin - history, ecosystem services, restoration and conservation; floods and droughts and climate changes impact - river responses and public perception; sustainable development in the Danube River basin - strategy and policy in Danube Basin. The link to the conference site is For more details please contact the organizers at SEE YOU SOON IN SMOLENICE!

Download 3rd Announcement and Conference Programme


Joint ESENIAS and DIAS Scientific Conference and 8th ESENIAS Workshop

Management and sharing of IAS data to support knowledge-based decision making at regional level 26-28 September 2018 Bucharest, Romania. You are more than well come!


Deltas and Wetlands 2018

Dear colleagues, it is my pleasure to announce you that Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development will organize the 26th International Symposium Deltas and Wetlands 2018 which will be held in Tulcea, Romania between 16-20 May 2018. We invite you to join us to the event.


IAD 42 Danube - a lifeline governed by multiple uses, pressures and a multitude of ecosystem services


The 42 IAD Conference will provide a forum for the presentation of long-term multidisciplinary research activities and discussions on various topics like: bio- and geo-diversity - from headwaters to marine environment - values and threats; fish-ecology as basis to ensure sustainable fishery practices; the importance of vegetation for the aquatic environment; structure and development of invertebrate communities; water quality monitoring and quality targets for local uses or river water; microbiological quality of Danube ecosystems; eco-toxicological impact of aquatic contaminants; transformations and connectivity fluxes between river structures; evolution of the Danube River basin - history, ecosystem services, restoration and conservation; floods and droughts and climate changes impact - river responses and public perception; sustainable development in the Danube River basin - strategy and policy in Danube Basin. The link to the conference site is For more details please contact the organizers at SEE YOU IN SMOLENICE!


Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research

A new Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research - Wetlands Diversity (20.2.2018) volume, under the care also of the International Association of Danube Research, is available online ( We are looking forward to receiving your new scientific contributions for the next TRSER volume.


4th International Conference Water Resources and Wetlands


Dear colleagues, I would like to invite you to the 4th International Conference Water Resources and Wetlands which will be held on 5-9 September 2018 at the Hotel Delta in Tulcea (Romania). The deadline for registration and abstract submission is 30 January 2018:,


Merry Christmas

Dear IAD members I wish you A MERRY CHRISTMAS ... and to save the Danube in 2018 too!!!


IAD 42 Danube - a lifeline governed by multiple uses, pressures and a multitude of ecosystem services

02-06 July 2018 Smolenice, slovakia

The 42 IAD Conference will provide a forum for the presentation of long-term multidisciplinary research activities and discussions on various topics like: bio- and geo-diversity - from headwaters to marine environment - values and threats; fish-ecology as basis to ensure sustainable fishery practices; the importance of vegetation for the aquatic environment; structure and development of invertebrate communities; water quality monitoring and quality targets for local uses or river water; microbiological quality of Danube ecosystems; eco-toxicological impact of aquatic contaminants; transformations and connectivity fluxes between river structures; evolution of the Danube River basin - history, ecosystem services, restoration and conservation; floods and droughts and climate changes impact - river responses and public perception; sustainable development in the Danube River basin - strategy and policy in Danube Basin. The link to the conference site is For more details please contact the organizers at SEE YOU IN SMOLENICE!


Danube News issue no. 36 is out

The editorial board of Danube News have printed the latest issue, no. 36. Our thanks to the editors Dr. Cyffka and Dr. Haidvogl and to all the authors!


IAD Scientific Report for 2016

The IAD Scientific Report for 2016 is online. Congratulations for all the IAD members involved in these activities and not only.


World Water Week

27 August - 1 September, 2017

World Water Week is the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues. In 2017, World Water Week will address the theme “water and waste: reduce and reuse”. In 2016, over 3,200 individuals and around 330 convening organizations from 130 countries participated in the Week. Experts, practitioners, decision-makers, business innovators and young professionals from a range of sectors and countries come to Stockholm to network, exchange ideas, foster new thinking and develop solutions to the most pressing water-related challenges of today.


Danube News issue no. 35 is out!

The new editorial board of Danube News have printed the latest issue, no. 35. Our thanks to Dr. Cyffka and Dr. Haidvogl -- the Danube News is in good hands!


Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference (ABIC)

Since 2007, the Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference (ABIC) has successfully been regularly held under the joint management of “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu-Faculty of Sciences ( and the International Association for Danube Research ( After 10 years of ABIC events, we invite IAD members, and others, again to Sibiu for ABIC 2017 ( This international conference will aim to communicate recent advances in aquatic biodiversity: assessment, monitoring, conservation and management, biodiversity interrelations in aquatic habitats, aquatic biodiversity and alien species, aquatic microbial ecology, food web interrelations and aquatic productivity, wetlands biodiversity, research methods in aquatic ecology/biodiversity, ecological reconstruction and aquatic biodiversity, human impact and aquatic biodiversity, global changes. You are more than welcome!


7th ESENIAS Workshop and Conference

\\'Networking and Regional Cooperation Towards Invasive Alien Species Prevention and Management\\', 28-30 March 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria

Dear IAD colleagues, please be aware about the fact that Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS), East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species (ESENIAS) and Danube Region Invasive Alien Species Network (DIAS), funded by Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2004 Programme BG03 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ESENIAS-TOOLS Project, D-33-51/30.06.2016 will organize the 7th ESENIAS Workshop with Scientific Conference ( There will be a special Danube session, where the IAD members are invited by our colleague Teodora Trichckova (; to submit abstracts. Doru Bănăduc



After 10 years of successful mandate, our colleague and friend Dr. Harald Kutzenberger has stepped out from the General Secretary Position. Thank you very much dear Harald for all your long lasting efforts and commitment to the IAD, for the numerous activities you have initiated, and most of all, for your ability to dialogue with different stakeholders to defend the environmental values. Following a decision of IAD board, until the next elections planned in 2018, dr. Doru Banaduc was appointed as the New IAD General Secretary. His contact details: University Lucian Blaga Sibiu, e-mail:, mob: +40.722.604.338.

Christmas Tree


Season Greetings

Dear all, the IAD board wishes all of you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017! best regards, thomas hein


Look back on Danube Day 2016

Childrens´ University in Wilhering, Austria

Like in the former years it was a great pleasure for the secretariat of the International Association for Danube Research to welcome the children of the village for a Danube Day Event. More than fourty children took the chance in July and August 2016 to investigate the animals and plants along small tributaries of the Danube in Wilhering.


New presidency for IAD

New election at IAD General Assembly in Sibiu

Long term IAD member and DSTF coordinator Cristina Sandu has been elected as new IAD President and the former president Thomas Hein will be Vice-President for the new period after 2017. The General Assembly of the International Association for Danube Research has been Held in the Frame of the 41st IAD conference in Sibiu on September 14, 2016. During this Event the election have been Held. We congratulate the new President and wish the best for the new Team!


41st IAD conference in Sibiu, Romania

Tributaries as Key Elements in Sustainable Management of the Danube River Basin

Thanks to the organising committee of Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania we can look back to fruitful conference in SEptember 2016. The Event was prepared in cooperation with the Romanian Academy of Sciences and the General Secretariat of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angela Banaduc and Dr. Doru Banaduc with their Team have created a warm atmosphere for the sixty years of IAD celebration. A field trip to the Alpine Balea Lake into the Transylcanian Alps concluded the conference.



World Fish Migration Day May 21st 2016

Long distance migrants of the Danube River - the sturgeons

The event in Bucharest will be jointly organized by the Danube Sturgeon Task Force (EUSDR PA 06), International Association for Danube Research (IAD), Institute of Biology Bucharest and the National Museum for Natural History Grigore Antipa, and aims to raise the public awareness on the importance to protect migratory fish and their habitats, a special focus being placed on sturgeons. The event is designed as an educational tool, being addressed especially to primary school children. The program will include a short movie about the life of Danube sturgeons, a presentation of the aquatic habitats as river corridors for migratory fish, a practical examination of some aquatic organisms that relate to the fish fauna (aquatic plants and aquatic invertebrates) and a coloring and drawing contest where children will be encouraged to see themselves as representatives of a “Happy Migratory Fish”. The best drawings of the children will be awarded!

Conference organizers


41st international IAD conference Sibiu

The 41th IAD Conference 2016 60 years of Danubian cooperative research in the framework of IAD Tributaries as key elements IN Sustainable Management OF the Danube River Basin 13-16 September 2016, Sibiu, Romania

Key dates Early registration 30 April 2016, final registration 30 June 2016, early payment 30 April 2016, late payment 30 June 2016. Short abstract submission 30 May 2016, extended abstract submission 30 June 2016, reviewing of extended abstracts 30 July 2016, revised extended abstract sub. 15 August 2016. Registration The registration form can be downloaded at Send a filled form to: or to Abstract Submission Abstracts prepared according to the instructions for publishing (available at website should be send to or to


Seasons Greetimgs

Best wishes from IAD Presidium

On behalf of the Presidium of the International Association for Danube Research I would like to thank all officers, members and friends of IAD for the continuous and active cooperation in 2015. Our scientific network depends on the Input of every Partner. So we are satisfied to see that with START Sturgeon a flagship project for the survival of Danube sturgeons could be brought on the way. Many thanks to all actors especially within the Danube Sturgeon Task Force. The Danube Region Invasive Alien Species Network has also started successfully and is connecting Partners in all Danube Region and beyond to fulfill the Needs of the new European Regulation. Finally we are heading in to the celebration year of sixty years of IAD, which is less leading us to backwarded memories, but much more to remind us on the value of Long-Lasting initiatives in a dynamic period with a lack of stable structures. So we were grateful that the president of the Austrian Federal Council Gottfried Kneifel invited IAD to the Austrian Houses of Parliament last month to celebrate our anniversary with a formal Enquete. We are looking forward to our next IAD conference in Sibiu, Romania, and will be happy to meet there in 2016!

iAD Logo


Environmental and Scientific NGO Observer Statement at the ICPDR Ordinary Meeting 2015

Endorsed in Vienna on 1 December 2015 by Danube Environmental Forum; WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme; IAD, DANUBEPARKS, European Anglers Association

The environmental and scientific NGO observers of the ICPDR welcome the Danube River Basin District Management Plan Update 2015 and the first Flood Risk Management Plan as well as the opportunities provided to us to bring our contributions to those documents over the past years. The ICPDR remains a shining example of transparency and good stakeholder involvement! We also particularly appreciate the efforts taken to better integrate nature conservation aspects and the prominent role sturgeon conservation plays in the water management context. However, unfortunately, the weaknesses we highlighted in the draft plans one year ago largely remain. Please see the joint statement.


Enquete 10. November 2015 Danube Life - Impulses for Regions

Celebration of 25 years Working Group of Danube Countries and 60 years International Association for Danube Research

The President of the Federal Council of the Austrian House of Parliament, Gottfried Kneifel invited representatives of the Danube countries, members of the Austrian Parliament, officials of govermental institutions and interested scientists and citizens to an Enquete into the conference venue of the Parliament on November 10th, 2015. Opening words by President Kneifel as well as the representatives Simon Ortner from Working Group of the Danube Countries and President Thomas Hein on behalf of IAD. ICPDR Secretary General Ivan Zavadsky gave an introduction on the work of ICPDR and especially the Danube River BAsin Management Plan and Danube Flood Risk Management Plan that have been set up as common Guidelines for the Donaube Region to tackle the huge challenges of using all opportunities of catchment management. Àrpád Berczik, Hungarian Country Representative in IAD gave a personal Statement on the role of IAD during the cold war period as Basis of international scientific cooperation. In an open discussion of experts for land use, spatial planning, landscape and water Management many aspects for future development could be analysed: Kurt Weinberger, Austrian Hail Insurance Christian Steiner, European Land and Soil Alliance, Government of Lower Austria Wilfried Hartl, Organic Farming Research Center Austria Elisabeth Wrbka, Landscape Planner Gottlieb Soriat, DV-Donau, Citizens´Initiative for sustainble flood protection An mobile exhibition for Schools and municipalities including a brochure have been presented to the public during the Event. Musical contributions were given by the Bulgarian musicians Konstantin and Alexander Wladigeroff and Magdalena and Dimitar Karamitev. The program was concluded by culinaric Danube specialities from the agricultural School of Ottenschlag and Hungarian Pogac from Budapest. So we are staisfied to look back to a Danubian afternoon of understanding and common will to take the responsibility of Long term implementation on local Level.

DF Whitepaper


DanubeFuture White Paper available

Danube:Future White Paper on Integrated Sustainable Development of the Danube River Basin

A research community-based White Paper on research and capacity building needs, challenges and opportunities for the development of the sustainability-oriented knowledge society of the Danube River Basin Coordinating Lead Authors: Verena Winiwarter, AAU and Gertrud Haidvogl, BOKU Vienna The document is also available on the Danube:Future homepage ( )in a specific box of the start page.


EUSDR Danube:Future - 2 fellowship postitions at University of Trieste (I)

Danube Region\\'s junior researchers can participate to the public selection for 2 fellowship positions at the University of Trieste, north-east Italy.

In the framework of the EUSDR PA7 flagship project \\\"Danube:Future\\\" (, the University of Trieste - partner of the project - offers 2 one-year fellowship positions. Thanks of contribution by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (European Social Fund), the Universy of Trieste offers to researchers new opportunities for favoring mobility in scientific research. The Call addresses researchers coming from the area of the Network made up of the member universities of the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC) and of the Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC), to conduct a period of research at the University of Trieste. The two research themes: A-1: \\\"Measuring of biodiversity by genetic tools for the assessment of environmental quality and conservation\\\



Season Greetings

We send our best greetings for the Christmas Holidays and the New Year 2015. Many thanks to all officers, members and Partners in the Network of the International Association for Danube Research for the vivid collaboration to contribute to a sustainable future in Danube Region!

SWS Logo


SWS European Chapter Meeting: Wetlands – indicators of the changing environment

SWS European Chapter Meeting: Wetlands – indicators of the changing environment which will be in Bled (Slovenia), 10th to 13th of May 2015. Abstracts can be submitted to no later than 15th of January.

SWS Europe is focused on understanding and advancing wetland science, as well as assuring that decision-making processes affecting wetlands are based on an understanding of wetland science. The members are informed about both the underlying science and the kinds of considerations that affect decision-making, many of which are specific to Europe and in particular the European Union. You are kindly invited to participate in the 2015 European Chapter Meeting, Wetlands – indicators of the changing environment (European Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists; that will be organised in Bled (Slovenia) from 10th to 13th of May 2015. The meeting is aimed to offer the opportunity for presenting the achievements of European wetland scientists and the research field, and to generate a vision for future research.

WCL Logo


WasserCluster Lunz PostDoc Fellowship Program is open

WasserCluster Lunz invites excellent young scientists to apply for the new international PostDoc Fellowship Program. The duration of the fellowship is two years. The application deadline is February 9th 2015. More information and required documents you find on our homepage

WasserCluster Lunz invites excellent young scientists to apply for the new international PostDoc Fellowship Program. The duration of the fellowship is two years. The application deadline is February 9th 2015. More information and required documents you find on our homepage


DIANET international school Deadline for application Dec. 5th 2014


From March 14th to 23rd 2015 the third DIAnet International School will be organized in Gorizia, Italy. While the first two editions in 2013 and 2014 focused on interdisciplinary methods and on the role of natural heritage in the framework of the sustainable development of the Danube region, the 2015 edition will be dedicated to cultural heritage. PhD Students and Post-Doc Research Fellows from AARC and DRC Universities from all countries of the Danube Basin are welcome to apply for one, two or all three schools. The organizing universities will issue a certificate of 3 ECTS for the completion of each edition. During the School, students will gain knowledge about the role of cultural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube river basin (DRB). The School covers a wide range of subjects and teaches. During the two lecture days, students will receive training in Conservation and Preservation and Valorization of cultural heritage. Two full-day excursions to the area of Torviscosa and Villa Manin (day 1) and to the area of Trieste (day 2), will offer a unique opportunity for students to engage with the sustainability challenges of the Macro-Region.



HydroEco2015 Vienna, Austria, 13-16 April 2015

REMINDER: PLEASE CONSIDER TO SUBMIT ABSTRACT to HydroEco2015 5th International Multidisciplinary Conference on HYDROLOGY and ECOLOGY: Advances in Monitoring, Predicting and Managing Hydroecological Processes

5th International Multidisciplinary Conference on HYDROLOGY and ECOLOGY: Advances in Monitoring, Predicting and Managing Hydroecological Processes Vienna, Austria, 13-16 April 2015 Abstracts are due by 4 September 2014, via More information is on Jointly convened by · Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna · International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) · Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Scope and Objectives The aim of this fifth HydroEco conference * after the four previous meetings, in Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czech Republic in 2006, in Vienna in Austria in 2009 and 2011, and in Rennes in France in 2013 * is fourfold: i) to present new findings and approaches on interactions between hydrology and ecology, ii) to promote interdisciplinary interactions on water related issues between hydrology, hydrogeology, biogeochemistry, microbial ecology and ecology iii) to explore advances in monitoring, modelling and predicting dynamics of hydroecological processes, and iv) to discuss management approaches and applications to tackle environmental issues, including engineering measures for ecosystem preservation and restoration of ecologically valuable environments. To address the relevant issues, the conference aims to bring together experts from different disciplines such as hydrologists (groundwater, surface water), ecologists, biologists, subsurface microbiologists, environmental biogeochemists, eco-technologists, geomorphologists, hydraulic engineers, forest managers, nature reserve managers, regional and landscape planners, as well as experts from governmental institutions. The unifying theme is the interaction between groundwater and (or) /surface water and ecological systems. A typical example is the hyporheic zone in riparian areas, where the ecological system interacts with water and chemical flows between surface water, groundwater and unsaturated soil zone.



Symposium of the Austrian Committee Danube Research June 2nd Vienna

Presentation and discussion of 4 EUSDR Flagship projects

Presentation and discussion of 4 EUSDR Flagship projects Programme of the scientific dialogue “Danube goes Science”: Moderation: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Schmid (Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Fakultät für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung, IFF) Four flagship projects of the EUSDR are presented and their relevance for the development of the environmental research in the Danube region will be discussed. • Danube:Future - A sustainable future for the Danube River Basin as a challenge for the interdisciplinary humanities (represented by Prof. Verena Winiwarter (to be confirmed), Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Fakultät für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung, Vienna, Austria) • Danubius - The Danube International Centre for River-Delta-Sea Systems (represented by Dr. Manuela Sidoroff, National Institute Research and Development for Biological Sciences, Romania) •DREAM - Danube River Research and Management (represented by Prof. Thomas Hein on behalf of Prof. Habersack, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria) • Sturgeon2020 - A Program for the Protection and Rehabilitation of Danube Sturgeons Biodiversity (represented Dr. Cristina Sandu, Danube Sturgeon Task Force Coordinator, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romania )


International Conference on “Water resources and wetlands”

International Conference on Water resources and wetlands take place between 11-13 September, 2014 in the “Delta” Hotel in Tulcea, Romania

The Romanian Limnogeographical Association (RLA) in collaboration with the Polish Limnological Society (PLS), Czech Limnological Society (CLS) and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA) would like to invite you to take part in the International Conference on Water resources and wetlands set to take place between 11-13 September, 2014 in the Delta Hotel in Tulcea, Romania. Deadline for Registration and Abstract Submission - 30 January 2014. Conference website:


Seasons Greetings from IAD Secratariat

We want to send our best greetings for the Christmas Holidays and the New Year 2014. Many thanks to all officers, members and Partners in the Network of the International Association for Danube Research for vivid collaboration to realise to contribute to a sustainable development in Danube Region! We will be happy to meet next June at IAD40 in Sofia!


1st IAD Summer Camp 2013

for Students and Young Researchers in Hungary

26 BSc, MSc and PhD students from 16 IAD member institutions in 10 countries and from 10 different disciplines followed the Invitation of IAD General Secretary Harald Kutzenberger to take part in a multi-disciplinary, international summer camp in Ecopark Dunasziget, Hungary. With strong Support from the Hungarian IAD Partner, the Danube Research Institute in Vácrátót, Prof. Árpád Berczik, Dr. Gábor Gúti, and University of Mosonmagyarovar, Dr. Koltai Gábor, as well as Bioforschung Austria, Dr. Wilfried Hartl, it was an inspiring experience for all, who shared their time.


New Danube News is out!

The Danube News 28 has been printed recently and can be found on our homepage.


Posthumous Honour to Dr. Edmund Weber

In Vienna a new street was called after Dr. Edmund Weber, former general secretary from 1978 - 1991, to remember his achievements for water protection in Austria and the Danube River Basin. The ceremony took place in Vienna in 2013.


IAD40 The Danube and Black Sea Region – Unique Environment and Human Well Being Under Conditions of Global Changes

17-20 June 2014 SOFIA, BULGARIA

The 40th Anniversary IAD Conference will provide a forum for the presentation of long-term multidisciplinary research activities and discussions on various topics highlighting the application of ecosystem and sustainable development approaches, which are essential in order to strike a balance between the economic development and protection of the unique environment in the Danube River Basin. Scientific Topics 1. Biodiversity – freshwater, riparian and floodplain flora and fauna, conservation, soil diversity and protection 2. Protection and rehabilitation of Danube sturgeons 3. Ecosystem services, wetlands, sustainable use of biological resources 4. Climate change, habitat change, hydromorphology 5. Invasive alien species – early warning, priority species and pathways, risk assessment and management 6. Water quality elements, ecological status, emerging pollutants, microbiology, ecotoxicology, biomonitoring and saprobic systems 7. Ecological functions and integrated basin management of lotic and lentic ecosystems 8. Riparian landscapes, landuse, flood risk assessment, hydrological modelling and restoration 9. Sustainable development and public participation in the Danube and Black Sea region. Deadlines Early registration 15 November, 2013 Final registration 31 March, 2014 Early payment 15 January, 2014 Late payment 31 March, 2014 Short abstract submission 15 November, 2013 Extended Abstract submission 15 January, 2014 Reviewing of Extended Abstracts 28 February, 2014 Revised extended abstract submission 31 March, 2014 Registration The registration form can be downloaded from the conference website Please, send your filled form to: Abstract Submission Short and extended abstracts prepared according to the instructions for publishing (available at should be sent to:


Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference ABIC 2013 in Sibiu

8 - 11 October 2013 in Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania

The conference will aim to communicate recent advances in the aquatic biodiversity: assessment, monitoring, conservation and management, aquatic habitats - biodiversity interrelations, aquatic biodiversity and alien species, aquatic microbial ecology, food web interactions and aquatic productivity, wetlands biodiversity, research methods in aquatic ecology/biodiversity, ecologic reconstruction and the biodiversity, human impact and the aquatic biodiversity, global changes


Danube Day 2013

Public Event in the famous Schlögener Schlinge 30 June 2013

IAD General Secretary Harald Kutzenberger welcomed more than thirty students from University Klagenfurt and Darmstadt in the famous Danube gorge at Schlögen. Actual flood events in the nearby Eferdinger Becken and their reasons, NATURA 2000 site protection, public participation and species protection for the Danube sturgeon have been discussed during the field trip.


New Danube News Vol 27 is out

Bulletin of the International Association for Danube Research, Vol. 27 is available on the Homepage (Publications and Danube News)


New Paper on trace element contamination is out.

Trace element contamination in the arms of the Danube Delta (Romania/Ukraine): Current state of knowledge and future needs by Vignati et al. Journal of Environmental Management 125 (2013) 169-178

This paper provides the first critical synopsis of contamination by selected trace elements in the whole Danube Delta (Romania/Ukraine) to: identify general patterns of contamination by trace elements across the Delta, provide recommendations to refine existing monitoring networks and discuss the potential toxicity of trace elements in the whole Delta. Sediment samples were collected between 2004 and 2007 in the three main branches of the Delta (Chilia, Sulina and Sfantu Gheorghe) and in the secondary delta of the Chilia branch. Samples were analyzed for trace elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) and TiO2, Fe2O3, MnO, CaCO3 and total organic carbon. Cluster analysis (CA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that levels of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn were influenced by anthropogenic activities. At the opposite, concentrations of Cr and Ni largely originated from the weathering of rocks located in the Romanian part of the Danube catchment and naturally rich in these elements. Data analysis using Self- Organizing Maps confirmed the conclusions of CA/PCA and further detected that the contamination tended to be higher in the Chilia and Sulina arms than in the Sfantu Gheorghe arm. The potential ecological risks due to trace element contamination in the Danube Delta could be identified as moderate and localized, provided that the presence of the natural sources of Cr and Ni was properly considered. The available results suggest that monitoring sediment quality at the mouths of Sulina and Sfantu Gheorghe arms is probably enough to get a picture of the sediment quality along their entire lengths. However, a larger network of monitoring points is necessary in the Chilia and secondary Chilia delta to account for the presence of local point sources and for the more complex hydrodynamic of this part of the Danube Delta.


SIL conference 2013 Budapest

Call for abstracts

The International Society of Limnology (SIL) and the organising committee of the 32nd SIL congress cordially invite you to participate in the congress which will take place between 4-9 August, 2013, Budapest, and is devoted to the theme of „Diverse water - rich life\\\". Please submit an abstract to the topics suggested, following the instructions at our website to submit your abstract by 28th of February, 2013. The organising committee invites abstract submissions for both oral (15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for questions) and poster presentations. Abstracts must be in English. The body of the text can be no longer than 800 characters, thus abstracts should be as concise and informative as possible. All abstracts should be submitted via our online system. Please clearly state whether an oral or a poster presentation is preferred. All contributions will be reviewed anonymously by three members of the organising committee. Abstracts for oral presentations that are not selected may be eligible for presentation as posters. Notice of abstract acceptance will be sent to authors within two month. Note: all presenting authors must pay registeration fees for the congress by 31th of May, 2013. Keynote presenters of the 32nd SIL congress are: Dr. Cathrine Pringle (Kilham Memorial Lecture) Dr. Robert J. Naiman (Baldi Memorial Lecture) Dr. John Downing (president of the ASLO) Dr. Martin Dokulil Dr. Henri Dumont Dr. Brij Gopal Dr. Luigi Naselli Flores With best wishes, Dr. Péter Bíró Conference chair HAS Ecological Research Center Balaton Limnological Instititue Klebelsberg K. u. 3. POBox 35 H-8237 Tihany, tel: +36-87-448 244 (107) fax.: +36-87-448 006


IAD wishes a Merry Christmas and all the Best for 2013

IAD Presidium and General Secretariat want thank all our partners for the fruitful cooperations for the sustainable development of the Danube region. We send you our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a peaceful, healthy and prosperous New Year 2013!


First Annual Meeting of EUSDR in Regensburg

IAD delegation takes part in the implementation of the Danube Strategy

The aims are well balanced and the ambitions are strong. But all actors are aware that the implementation of the EU macro-regional strategy for the Danube region is a long termed and continuous process. The first annual meeting in Regensburg on 27 and 28 November 2012 was a forum to keep the process moving. IAD was represented with a strong delegation of several countries. GS Harald Kutzenberger, the Hungarian country representative Prof. Arpád Berczik, Dr. Mária Dinka, Dr. Gábor Gúti, the leader of the Sturgeon Task Force group Dr. Cristina Sandu from Romanian Academy of Sciences and several more took acitvely part to form a network of common interests in the Danube region.


IAD observer at the 15th Ordinary meeting of ICPDR Dec 11-12 2012

IAD members participated actively in the 15th OM.

Key issues of IAD, which has been raised: support for the DSTF ( and a close cooperation with the RBM EG of ICPDR, agreement on critical issues in the document about guiding principles on sustainable hydropower development in the Danube Basin and issues related to navigation projects along the Lower Danube. The Danube Day 2013 will be devoted to the topic “Get active for the sturgeon!”


5th Symposium for research in protected areas

Please find the second announcement attached. Date: 10th - 12th June 2013 Location: Hohe Tauern National Park Center in Mittersill, Salzburg, Austria

SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT Deadline for submitting your application: 19 October 2012! Please use the attached or the online registration form:! National Parks Austria ( and Hohe Tauern National Park are pleased to invite you to present your latest protected areas research at the next international Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 10-12 June 2013, This event aims at providing researchers and staff of conservation organizations with an opportunity to exchange valuable information, new ideas as well as common interests and to discuss a variety of current research and management issues in protected areas. The symposium will take place at the Hohe Tauern National Park Center in Mittersill, Salzburg,Austria. This event is organized in coordination with the Swiss-Austrian Mountain Days, 11-13 June 2013,


Publications of 39th IAD conference are available

The Book of Abstracts and the Conference procedings are available at our webpage.

The output of the conference is available in two printed documents: 80 short abstracts for oral and poster presentations are published in the Conference Book of Abstracts and 33 extended abstracts are published in the Conference Proceedings. All information can be found at


ABIC 4th International Conference 8-11 October 2013

Please notice the next international conference on \\\"Aquatic Biodiversity\\\" in Sibiu in 2013

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu already prepares the 4th ABIC 2013 - international conference on Aquatic Biodiversity under the umbrella of the International Association for Danube Research and other partners. Please find more about the upcoming and previous conferences on the mentioned links.


39 IAD conference Szentendre

Erhard Busek and Hungarian ministers at IAD Conference

The 39th IAD conference \\\"Living Danube\\\" brought the opportunity of scientific exchange for more than hundred participants and high level political discussion concerning development in frame of the EUSDR. Feast speaker Erhard Busek highlighted the impoertance of cooperation along Danube. Hungarian Minister of State for National Development János Fónagy, Prof. József Pálinkás, the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Peter Kóvacs, Hungarian State Secretary for Water Issues reflected the perspectives for future development. IAD President Prof. Thomas Hein reminded on the importance of Sturgeon Protection. The key note speech of Radu Suciu made it very clear that the IAD initiative within the Sturgeon Task Force is of high relevance for the survival of these Danubian lighthouse species.


39th IAD conference next week in Szentendre, Hungary

August 21st - August 24th in Szentendre, Hungary.

The topic of the conference is \\\"Living Danube\\\" with special emphasis on the importance of the European Strategy for the Danube Region. The conference is organized by the Hungarian colleagues of the Danube Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Keynote presetnation will address the importance of the Danube for drinking water use, role of vegetation and the sturgeon as one of the key species in the Danube River System. On Wednesday Dr. Erhard Busek (President of IDM) will be the invited speaker addressing in his presentation the European dimension of the development in the Danube Region.


Conference grants IAD conference

IAD supports young scientists attending the IAD conference.

For the 39th IAD conference in Hungary 11 grants could be awarded to young scientists from several countries in the Danube River Basin.


IAD Conference Grants

IAD will award a number of Conference Grants (up to 200 EUR) for 39th IAD Conference Living Danube, 21-24 August 2012, Szentendre, Hungary.

The application form should be sent by 31 March 2012 to IAD President and General Secretary. The selection will be done by 10 May 2012. Selection criteria: scientific merit, age of applicant (priority will be given to PhD students or early career researchers) and place of origin (priority will be given to candidates from low income countries).


Merry Christmas and all the best for 2012

The Presidium and General Secreatariat of the International Association for Danube Research wish Merry Christmas and a healthy, lucky and successful New Year 2012 to all members, partners and friends in Danube Region and beyond!

Both in our contributions to ICPDR and EUSDR it is obvious that we are vivid elements within the European integration process. From a scientific view we are trying to connect ecological and economic interests with practical solutions. So future decisions along the Danube will have to include both the survival of sturgeons and the improvement of infrastucture. Knowledge, openness and creativity and the will to walk on new paths make changes possible.


39th IAD Conference: Living Danube

21 - 24 AUGUST 2012 SZENTENDRE, HUNGARY New Deadline for Abstracts: 31 Jan 2012

21 - 24 AUGUST 2012 SZENTENDRE, HUNGARY New Deadline for Abstracts: 31 Jan 2012 Living Danube Integrating human utilization and ecosystem functioning for a sustainable future of one of the major European Rivers Organised by: DANUBE RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES GENERAL SECRETARIAT IAD Patronized by: HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Deadlines Short Abstract submission 31 January, 2012 Extended Abstract submission 16 March, 2012 Early registration 31 January 2012 Early payment till February 29, 2012 Contact Dr. Árpád Berczik Dr. Mária Dinka

Angewandte Limnologie


Applied Limnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

BOKU offers a new master\\'s programme by 1 Oct 2011: »Applied Limnology«

Students are educated within an interdisciplinary framework of literature review, lectures and field work guided by biologists, ecologists, landscape planners, river engineers, modellers, systems analysts, statisticians, GIS-experts, water managers, lawyers, and historians. The 2 years master programme consists of 5 mandatory (1st semester) and 10 optional modules (2nd, 3rd semester) and a master thesis (4th semester).


Merry Christmas and all the best for 2012

The Presidium and General Secreatariat of the International Association for Danube Research wishes Merry Christmas and a healthy, lucky and successful New Year 2012 to all members, partners and friends in Danube Region and beyond!

Both in our contributions to ICPDR and EUSDR it is obvious that we are vivid elements within the European integration process. From a scientific view we are trying to connect ecological and economic interests with practical solutions. So future decisions along the Danube will have to include both the survival of sturgeons and the improvement of infrastucture. Knowledge, openness and creativity and the will to walk on new paths make changes possible.


39th IAD Conference: Living Danube


Living Danube Integrating human utilization and ecosystem functioning for a sustainable future of one of the major European Rivers Organised by: DANUBE RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES GENERAL SECRETARIAT IAD Patronized by: HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Deadlines Short Abstract submission 15 January, 2012 Extended Abstract submission 16 March, 2012 Early registration 31 January 2012 Early payment till February 29, 2012 Contact Dr. Árpád Berczik Dr. Mária Dinka


Applied Limnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

BOKU offers a new master\\'s programme by 1 Oct 2011: \\\"Applied Limnology\\\";"Students are educated within an interdisciplinary framework of literature review, lectures and field work guided by biologists, ecologists, landscape planners, river engineers, modellers, systems analysts, statisticians, GIS-experts, water managers, lawyers, and historians. The 2 years master programme consists of 5 mandatory (1st semester) and 10 optional modules (2nd, 3rd semester) and a master thesis (4th semester).


Danube News 24

Tributaries of the Danube I: Sava – Waterway and ecosystem?

The articles dealing with biodiversity, management, navigation, nature reserves and pollution may help readers develop their own opinion about progress and success of the implementation of the Sava River Basin Management Plan. Some skepticism is justified with regard to preventing/mitigating human impacts in the large and valuable floodplains with their outstanding ecosystem services.


River Day 2011 Regensburg

Public press event of DEF, IAD, BUND, LBF and MEP Ismail Ertug in Regensburg, Germany 14 March 2011

To celebrate the 14th International Day of Rivers several organisations met in Regensburg for an scientific and political exchange with MEP Ismail Ertug. All participants shared the opinion that the Danube Strategy has to fulfil the promise to balance the interests of environment and infrastructure. IAD General Secretary Harald Kutzenberger made very clear that the informations from several Danube countries raise concerns about the quality of the procedures on the improvement of navigation conditions. Especially in Hungary and Romania the situation ist still very unclear. Alternative assessments are still missing. Also there are deficits concerning investigation methods, balancing measures and the lack of public participation. The environmental risks and negative socio-economic effects are still underestimated.


ICCE 2011

International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2011) 11 to 15 September 2011 in Zurich, Switzerland. The call for abstracts is open – deadline 15 May 2011.

About 15 travel grants available for young researchers from Eastern Europe. Applicants should send by email their Curriculum Vitae,a one-page abstract for a contribution (oral or poster) and a motivation letter.


SCENES Scientific Workshop and \\\"Future Waters for Europe\\\" conference

Budapest 23-25 March 2011

We like to inform you about the upcoming final workshop and presentation of results of SCENES project. Please find more information at:



Dr Thomas Hein - next IAD president 2011-2016 Dr Ivana Teodorovic - the first IAD vice president (2011-2016)

During the 38th IAD OCnference, 22-25 June 2010 Dreseden, Germany, the 4th IAD GA was held (23 June 2010). IAD members elected the next IAD president and the first IAD vice president, Dr Thomas Hein (BOKU, Vienna, Austria) and Dr Ivana Teodorovic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia). Both will take over the positions in January 2011, for the 6 years long term (2011-2016)


Interesting conferences April 2011 Large Rivers in Vienna and SedNet in Venice

International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers, 11–14 April 2011, Vienna, Austria, Austria Center Vienna – ACV 7th international SedNet event, 6-9 April 2011, Venice, Italy

The International Conference on “The Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers” - global forum for a wide-ranging discussion of key issues related to research on large rivers and their effective and sustainable management, involving both scientists and decision makers. SedNet event: Sediments and Biodiversity: bridging the gap between science and policy, submit abstracts for poster presentaions by the new deadline 30 November 2010!



Two candidates applied for two vacant positions: IAD president and vice – president for the next 6 years term 1. Jan 2011 – 31. Dec 2016.

The two applications, Dr Thomas Hein for IAD president and Dr Ivana Teodorovic for vice president have been attached to this postings. Since there is only one applicant per vacant position, the IAD Board of country representatives decided that the elections will take place during 4th General Members Assembly - during the 38th IAD Conference in Dresden, Germany. All IAD members are kindly invited to read the applications so that they can vote on them directly during the Assembly.


IAD Statutes changed

IAD General Members Assembly changed the Statute by letter voting

The results of the letter voting on IAD Statutes changes: 108 voting sheets came back, 107 voted in favour of the Statutes changes as suggested 1 voted against the Statutes changes as suggested The outcome is the following: 1.The residence of IAD is moved from Vienna to Wilhering 2.IAD terminated its official relation to SIL 3.The position of Vice President of IAD is introduced 4.The idea of potential deputies of the President and General Secretary is abandoned. The amended English version of the Statutes in a consolidated version is in the attachment to this posting, while the legally binding German version will be submitted to Austrian authorities as soon as available.


Changes of IAD ststutes


River Systems

Now online

We are happy and proud to inform you that the new journal River Systems\\\\(former Large Rivers) is now online at the publishers homepage Furthermore, the MMS as well as the instructions for the authors are also now accessible on the internet : The first issue is currently prepared. You are all invited to check out the aims and scope and consider submitting the papers containing the results of your research to this unique journal from now on. However, bare in mind that the special issue of this promising journal would be compiled after the IAD Conference in Dresden, so those of you who have already submitted short abstracts and registered for the participation, do consider writing extended abstract (as invited by the co-chairperson of the Conference Sci Committee Juerg Bloesch) as those, together with your presentations, would most probably serve as a solid basis for articles selection by editor-in-chief, Dr Thomas Hein and guest editors of the foreseen special issue. Best regards Dr Ivana Teodorovic President of IAD, member of the Editorial Board River Systems and Dr Thomas Hein Editor-in-Chief River Systems


River Session at the joint meeting of ASLO / NABS in June 2010

S12: River Research: Populations to Ecosystems Organizers: Thomas Hein, BOKU Vienna & Michael Delong, Winona State University

River studies have expanded greatly over the last decade, addressing questions of interest to a broad range of scientists. This session will encourage presentations on the most recent developments in our understanding of river systems. Topics can cover studies of the population ecology of taxa, community interactions, the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on community structure, productivity, trophic dynamics, and nutrient cycling. Of particular interest are papers that address broader questions in aquatic science. Presenters will be invited to submit a manuscript for a special issue in the new journal River Systems. If you plan to attend the ASLO meeting we would very much appreciate your contribution to one of these topics. Deadline: 12 February 2010. Please distribute this information also to your interested colleagues. See you in Santa Fe Thomas Hein, Mike Delong

Aquatic Biodiversity Conference October 2009 Sibiu


Aquatic Biodiversity International conference in Sibiu/Romania

8 - 11 October 2009 at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu will be host of a conference on Aquatic Biodiversity. The topics of speeches and posters will be: 1. Aquatic biodiversity: assessment, monitoring, conservation and management 2. Aquatic habitats - biodiversity interrelations 3. Aquatic biodiversity and alien species 4. Aquatic microbial ecology 5. Food web interactions and aquatic productivity 6. Wetlands biodiversity 7. Research metods in aquatic ecology/ biodiversity 8. Ecologic reconstruction and the biodiversity 9. Human impact and the aquatic biodiversity For all ... [more...]


Seasons Greetings

Merry Christmas and a healthy, successful New Year!

On behalf of the IAD board I want to thank all members and friends of the International Association for Danube Research for their contribution to keep this network a vivid initiative of cooperation and exchange in the Danube Region. We expect a strong conference next year in Dresden and will be actively take part in the Danube Strategy process.


Journals: Danube News 21 River Systems now on line

We are happy and proud to inform you that the new journal River Systems (former Large Rivers) is now online at the publisher�s homepage Furthermore, the MMS as well as the instructions for the authors are also now accessible on the internet : The first issue is currently prepared. You are all invited to check out the aims and scope and consider submitting the papers containing the results of your research to this unique journal from now on. However, bare in mind that the special issue of this promising journal would be compiled after the IAD Conference in Dresden, so those of you who have already submitted short abstracts and registered for the participation, do consider writing extended abstract (as invited by the co-chairperson of the Conference Sci Committee Juerg Bloesch) as those, together with your presentations, would most probably serve as a solid basis for articles selection by editor-in-chief, Dr Thomas Hein and guest editors of the foreseen special issue. Best regards Dr Ivana Teodorovic President of IAD, member of the Editorial Board River Systems and Dr Thomas Hein Editor-in-Chief River Systems

IAD 2010 Dresden


NEW: IAD 2010 Dresden, Germany - Conference Grant for IAD members

38th IAD CONFERENCE Large River Basins: Danube meets Elbe. Challenges - Strategies - Solutions. 22 - 25 June 2010, Dresden, Germany

IAD will award small conference grants to IAD members with abstracts accepted either for poster or oral presentation and who are willing to attend the conference but have limited financial resources. IAD would reimburse travel or accommodation expenses up to 200 EUR to maximum 10 selected grantees. The support is not limited to any particular member category, but priority would be given to PhD students or young researchers from WBC and SEE countries. The applications forms should be addressed to IAD General Secretary, Dr Harald Kutzenberger by 1 March 2010.


Danube Let it flow - IAD cooperation

A Europe-wide students initiative on sustainable development along Danube

Several weeks of common work in Romania and Slovakia for students from most European countries and different backgrounds are a promisiing basis for interdisciplinary training. IAD supported this initiative with a lecture by GS Harald Kutzenberger in Bratislava to share current developments and necessities for the future of Danube region to reach the aim of sustainability inspite of deepgoing changes.



Please download the new IAD Flyer

To distribute general information on the activities and structure of the International Association for Danube Research the IAD board edited a new general flyer. You can order copies from the general secretariat or download the attached pdf.



Please download and distribute the IAD Flyer

To distribute general information on the International Association for Danube Research the board has edited a new flyer. Please order copies from the general secretariat or download the attached file.


IAD promotes Danube Day at Upper Austrian Government

On the occasion of a visit at Ennshafen in May 2009 IAD General Secretary Harald Kutzenberger met the Chancellor of Upper Austria, Josef Pühringer, regional minister for economy Viktor Sigl and member of Austrian Federal Council Gottfried Kneifel to promote the aims of IAD in Danube region. Especially the future infrastructure development along the river will need a clear responsibility for sustainable solutions.


Danube Regional Coooperation

IAD organised a regional exchange between Bulgarian and Austrian mayors

On invitation of IAD general secretariat a group of mayors and officials from Ruse, Bulgaria, visited Upper Austria. The general agenda of the visit aimed to discuss common perspectives in environmental friendly infrastructure planning, regional development and public participation, as well as decentral strategies for renewable energies. Mayors from Slivo Pole, Borovo and Dve Mogili shared experiences with the mayors of Traun, Wilhering and Ottenschlag - similar questions how to realise future perspectives along 1400 km Danube river. Additional meetings with regional managers underlined the necessity of bottom up approaches to make sure that regional interests are not lost in the general development of the Danube region.


Danube Day 2009

Green Bikes for Peace Tour

The Green Bikes for Peace Tour involved young people from several European countries in an extensive project tour along Danube from Linz to Pecs. Starting from Hungary IAD supported a workshop in Upper Austria dealing with perspectives for the Danube Region, especially with sustainable development in Danube small scale regions.

River Systems


New journal coming soon….

River Systems: Integrating landscape, catchment perspectives, ecology, management

Relaunch of Large Rivers as a stand alone journal, a former supplement series to Archiv für Hydrobiologie Call for the papers: Authors are invited to submit their original papers or short notes to the editors. E-mail address: For more information see the flyer

Danube News 19


Danube News 19

New issue of our Bulletin ready for download

The latest issue is devoted to a very hot topic: Modeling tools for water management Enjoy reading it


Guide to determine the macroinvertebrates in Central European fresh waters

Wirbellose Tiere in den Binnegewässern Zentraleuropas – ein Bestimmungsbuch

A long-long waited illustrated guide book to determine the macroinvertebrates in Central European fresh waters was published in 2008 in Hungarian and in 2009 in German by György Kriska and Thomas Tittizer. The book and the CD version fit for many use: research, education, and fieldwork of nature and environment protection. Kriska, G. & Tittizer, Th. (2009): Wirbellose Tiere in den Binnegewässern Zentraleuropas – ein Bestimmungsbuch. 377 Seiten, 235 Abbildungen, 515 Farbfotos. Weissdorn-Verlag Jena (ISBN 978-3-936055-58-0)

Aquatic Biodiversity Conference October 2009 Sibiu


Aquatic Biodiversity International conference in Sibiu/Romania

8 - 11 October 2009 at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu will be host of a conference on Aquatic Biodiversity. The topics of speeches and posters will be: 1. Aquatic biodiversity: assessment, monitoring, conservation and management 2. Aquatic habitats - biodiversity interrelations 3. Aquatic biodiversity and alien species 4. Aquatic microbial ecology 5. Food web interactions and aquatic productivity 6. Wetlands biodiversity 7. Research metods in aquatic ecology/ biodiversity 8. Ecologic reconstruction and the biodiversity 9. Human impact and the aquatic biodiversity For all further information please visit the attached link!

2nd REP LECOTOX Workshop


2nd REP LECOTOX Workshop

TRENDS IN ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT 21 – 23 September 2009, Novi Sad, Serbia

The 2nd REP LECOTOX workshop is focused on the latest advances in ecological risk assessment. Distinguished lecturers are invited to present an overview of trends in aquatic and terrestrial ERA. Yet, the workshop is intended to bring together not only scientists, but regulators, competent authorities and major stakeholders from the WBC region. Therefore, all interested participants are invited to consider submitting a short abstract based on case studies in line with general workshop topics. All accepted abstracts would be scheduled for poster session; yet, the Scientific Committee will review all abstracts and select 6 - 8 the most interesting and promising ones and invite the authors to prepare short presentations (up to 15 min) for plenary sessions. The deadline for abstract submission and early bird registration fee is 1 June 2009. Abstract submission is optional; the participants are most welcome to attend the workshop even without the presentation. Key note lecturers, invited speakers and the authors of the abstracts selected for short presentations will be invited to prepare and submit full papers for peer reviewed SCI listed journal after the workshop. In the attachment you will find the first announcement and call for abstracts, but all relevant information, including tentative programme and registration form can be found at our web site Register on-line or send the registration form to We are looking forward to exchange knowledge and experience in ERA with you and the leading European experts from the field On behalf of Organising Committee Prof. Dr Ivana Teodorovic

Visit at Donauschlinge Schlögen


Visit of Ukrainian IAD delegation at IAD General Secretariat

Ukrainian IAD members visited Austria on the occasion of a bilateral workshop

Scientific exchange in a bilateral Ukrainian-Austrian IAD-workshop \\\"Implementing the aims of WFD to Environmental Impact Assessments of infrastructure projects\\\" took place from 11 - 15 March 2009 in Wilhering. In the frame of the IAD expert group \\\"Sustainable development and public participation\\\" a delegation from the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Ukrainian Academy of Science in Kiyv visited the IAD General Secretariat in Wilhering, Austria. Harald Kutzenberger welcomed deputy director Sergiy Afanasiev, IAD country representative Artem Lyashenko, Oksana Manturova and Kateryna Zorina-Sakharova at this opportunity of methodological exchange. To intensify the network and to plan future cooperations parts of the workshop were held at the applied offices of TBK Ecology and Landscape Planning (Wihering) and Blattfisch (Wels). Field trips led to water related compensation measures of road plannings in Enns and Perg, organism bypasses along Traun and Naarn and the wetland restoration in Ottenschlag, integrating flood protection, wetland restoration and recreation. The difficulties of the integration of the aims of WFD into projects in small catchments are obvious, so strategies are urgently necessary. Also the natural (Schlögener Donauschlinge) and cultural highlights (medieval city of Freistadt, Linz Cultural Capital of Europe 2009) of the area were visited.

Danube News 18


Danube News 18

The latest edition of Danube News has been published.

The latest edition of Danube News has been published.


Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2009

We want to thank all friends and members of the International Association for Danube Research for their initiative and support to develop our scientific cooperation network with their work in the expert groups, to realize our 37th conference and other activities in the last year and look forward to a healthy and prosperous New Year 2009!

Natural banks still characterize many parts of the Danube


IAD observes the implementation of the joint statement on environment and navigation

Scientific standards in Environmental Impact Assessments for projects on the improvement of navigation on the Danube

Economic development includes navigation as a sustainable way of transport. The needs of improvement along the Danube can be summarized in the two parameters of 2,5 m depth and 180 m width of the fairway. The ecological preconditions still need to be defined to guarantee that on one hand the European standards and legislations are fulfilled, but even more important to avoid dramatic consequences on biodiversity and climate. In this frame IAD delegations consequently take part in the ICPDR expert group on the joint statement on environment and navigation, and the workshops and negociations concerning implementation projects to improve bottlenecks of navigation, eg the ISPA 1 and 2 projects in Romania and Bulgaria.

Award for the best poster presentation for Ion Pacesila


Looking back to 37th IAD conference in Chishinau

The first IAD conference in Moldova 29.10. - 2.11.

For the first time a conference of the International Association for Danube Research took place in the Republic of Moldova. The 37th conference \\\"The Danube River Basin in a changing world\\\" was held between 29 October and 2 November 2008 in Chishinau, capital of the Republic of Moldova. Our host was the ULIM, Free University of Moldova. In a close cooperation of the national representative of IAD in Moldova, Dumitru Drumea, the general secretariat and the two national IAD committees in Serbia and Romania shared the preparation works. It was a pleasure to see initative students presenting their results and many Moldovan students used the opportunity to attend at least one session of the conference. The best oral presentation was held by Prof. Martin Schmid on historic aspects of the Danube, the best poster presentation by Ion Pacesila on benthic microbial communities. The post conference excursion led to the early time of Moldovan history in Orheiul vecchi, a monastery founded by Stefan cel Mare, surrounded by viticulture landscapes.

Children along the Danube investigating fauna and flora


Danube Day 2008

Romanian Danube Ambassadors in Austria

The IAD contribution to Danube Day 2008 was organized in a local event in Austria. Emilia Radu and Cristina Alina Coman from the Institute of Biology of the Romanian Academy of Science visited the IAD head office in Austria and introduced the importance of Danubian biodiversity to children during a summer school event in Wilhering. The children were curious to research flora and fauna and get a practical perspective of the dimension of Danube River Basin.

Danube News 17


Danube News 17

Persistent chemical pollution in Romania: A threat to ecosystem and human health A Swiss Romanian cooperative research programme on Environmental Science and Technology in Romania (ESTROM)

Odessa conference June 2008


IAD at OSCE conference Odessa

International expert conference on safety of navigation and environment in the Black Sea region 24 - 26 June 2008

Some 150 representatives from the area between Romania and Turkmenistan met in Odessa on invitation of the Finish Chairmanship of OSCE and the Ukrainian Transport Ministry. The topics of discussion led from ballast water, waste and pollution management to sustainable development and public participation as tools for future development. The main role of Environmental Impact Assessments for the solution of conflictuous projects was clearly pointed out. IAD had two presentations (Kutzenberger/Sandu) in working group VIII: river basin wide cooperation towards ensuring environmental security on inland waterways.

37 IAD Conference


37th IAD Conference

The Danube River Basin in a changing world

29 OCTOBER – 2 NOVEMBER 2008 Chisinau, Moldova



EC Project 2007-08

Aim of the project is to develop an evaluation matrix for potential retention areas and former floodplains based on hydromorphological, ecological and soziological parameters in several project areas in Austria, Germany and France. For more information please contact

1st workshop of IAD EG Sustainable Development & Public Participation Sibiu


IAD EG Sustainable Development and Public Participation (SDPP)

1st Workshop was held in Sibiu/Hermannstadt, Romania on 19.-20. March 2008

At the 5th Joint Board & Expert Group Leader Meeting of IAD in Novi Sad in October 2007 the board welcomed the initiative of IAD GS Harald Kutzenberger set up a new IAD expert group on Sustainable Development and Public Participation. Main aims will be cooperations and exchange of experience to reach an active role in the dynamic process of development and to integrate holistic strategies on infrastructure planning and management of riverine landscapes. On invitation of Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu the participants from six countries prepared a Strategy Paper and concept for Pilot Projects on sustainable Development of small catchments in Danube Region. Prof. Vadineanu gave an introduction on sustainable development as holistic, multidisciplinary approaches in science. A main result was the agreement to intensify the cooperation with colleagues from Black Sea Region. Prof. Uzun from Istanbul University, Turkey confirmed the interest of further cooperation in Danube-Black Sea region.

Theodoxus transversalis was an abundant species earlier but a very rare snail in the Dabube at present


The second Joint Danube Survey (JDS2)

The Joint Danube Survey 2 (JDS2) was launched on August 14, 2007 from Regensburg, Germany. The basic purpose of the mission was to produce homogenous, highly comparable and reliable information on water quality and pollution for the entire Danube River and many of its tributaries. The Secretariat of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) coordinated the implementation of JDS2. Similar to the first survey, JDS 2 had several specific objectives: · To produce a homogenous data set for the Danube River based on a single sampling procedure and laboratory analysis of specified determinands and biological quality elements; · Screening of EU WFD priority pollutants and other relevant hazardous substances; · Microbiological analysis; · To provide a forum for riparian/river basin country participation for sampling and inter-comparison exercises; · To facilitate specific training needs and improve in-country experience; · To promote public awareness. In addition to these aims, new objectives have been identified arising mostly from the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive: · Compare the results with JDS 1 results; · Biological validation of the Danube typology; · Ecological assessment of the Danube River in line with the EU WFD; · Assessment and confirmation of the pressures and impacts as stated in the roof report 2004; · Contribution to the Danube Intercalibration Exercise; · General overview of the habitat morphology of the Danube River; · Analysis of radioisotopes. Tree boats of the JDS2 traveled 2,375 km downstream the Danube River, through 10 countries, to the Danube Delta until late September. The ice breaker Széchenyi as the Hungarian in-kind contribution served the expedition as the place of accommodation and daily meal for the Core Team. The German built laboratory ship Argus was the site for sampling and the lab work during the day time provided by the Serbian Government. A rented Slovakian yacht Vienna 115 (alias Piscius) helped the Fish Core team in their fish sampling during the entire travel. The full-time International Team included 18 scientists from Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Denmark. The Core Team with a Team Leader, Béla Csányi from Hungary (VITUKI), and a large group of biologists included biologists, chemists, microbiologists and experts in hydromorphology worked during seven weeks on board. All of them were nominated by top scientists within their countries to represent Danubian countries on the expedition. The Fish Team includes experts from the Upper Danube as well as Lower Danube and was led by Christian Wiesner from Austria. National Teams of scientists in all subsequent Danube sections were also helping with sampling and testing on board the ships on river stretches in their countries. The 96 sampling locations included 76 Danubian and 19 tributary sites. However, 28 additional sites on the upper stretch of the 18 main tributaries were investigated by the given National Teams also. The following matrices were investigated along the longitudinal sampling program: Water, Suspended solids, Sediment, Mussel/Fish tissues. Altogether more than 250 physical and chemical compounds were sampled. All of the five biological elements were included in the sampling program that is suggested by the EU WFD for the estimation of the ecological status of surface waters: Phytoplankton, Phytobenthos, Macrophytes, Aquatic macroinvertebrates, Fish. There were different sampling methods used for investigating the aquatic macroinvertebrates. As the Austrian in-kind contribution, an Air Lift Sampler was used in deeper zone to collect 3-3 sub-samples on both sides of the Danube at each of the 96 sampling cross sections. Together with the Air Lift we used “kick and sweep” (K&S) method also in the shallow zones of both bank sides at the same time. Dredging was used on the Lower Danube, downstream the Iron Gate I and II Reservoir section due to the increased water level. The results of detailed comparative data analysis referring to all of the investigated compounds will be reported in the Final Report by the end of April 2008. Béla Csányi, Momir Paunovic, Jarmila Makovinska

Palingenia longicauda mayflay (adult)


Recolonization experiments of Palingenia mayfly in the Lippe and Odera Rivers in Germany

Between the Chair of Zoology of the College in Eger/Hungary and the Institute of Zoology of the University of Bonn/Germany an arrangement was closed in 2005 for a scientific collaboration. The purpose of this collaboration was the resettlement of the Palingenia longicauda mayfly in some running waters of Germany. The role of the Palingenia mayfly in running waters is very important. The larvae use the materials of the bottom by bioturbation. They are also important members of food-web in running waters. Earlier Palingenia longicauda was a characteristic benthic species of middle and lower sections of large river systems in Europe. During the last century the species disappeared from the rivers of Western Europe and from the l980’s the large mass emergence took place only in the Tisza River and in few of its tributaries. At the middle/end of the last century the water quality of a lot of German rivers have became much better, that is why we try to recolonize Palingenia mayfly into earlier habitats in Germany. In 2006 and 2007 we collected eggs (80 millions) in Hungary and carried them in Germany. The eggs were hatched in laboratory and the “mini-larvae” were put in the original habitats of Lippe and Odera Rivers. Apart from these 1200 1-2 year old larvae also were transported and colonized in the Lippe and Odera Rivers. Actual the development of the Palingenia-population in these rivers is controlled by Monitoring. Thomas Tittizer – Institute of Zoology of the University of Bonn/Germany Sándor Andrikovics – Chair of Zoology of the College in Eger/Hungary

More information can be found in the homepage:

Students at Museum Lentos


IAD contributions to Danube Day VI - Museum of Modern Art Linz, Austria

On Danube Day 29 June 2007 IAD started a cooperation with Lentos- Museum of Modern Art Linz to raise awareness on the Danube River Basin

Every visitor of the Museum Lentos got a postcard and a sticker of Danube Day with basic information on the activities along the River and main challenges of the future.

international workshop in cooperation with Romanian Academy, Institute of Biology


IAD contributions to Danube Day V - international workshop Bucharest 27 June 2007

Welcome to ENVIRES IAD Romania, the national comittee of the International Association for Danube Research in Romania

In an international workshop in Bucharest \\\"Danube: Cultures and Worlds\\\" ENVIRES IAD Romania was introduced to the scientific community. The former president of IAD, Dr. Juerg Bloesch and IAD General Secretary Dr. Harald Kutzenberger congratulated ENVIRES president prof Dr. Marian-Traian Gomoiu, also IAD country representative of Romania, and vice-president Dr. Cristina Sandu, Institute of Biology, Romanian Academy, on their initiative. With introducing refers from Prof Dr. Angheluta Vadineanu, president of Romanian Ecological Society (anthropogenic impact along Danube River), Dr. Constanta Boroneant, National Meteorological Society (Effects of Climate Change on River Danube) and Dr Graziella Jula, National Administration Romanian Waters (The management plan - tool for sustainable development of the Danube River, Danube Delta and Romanian Coastal Waters) the frame of today´s challenges was discussed.

Dr Cristina Sandu, ENVIRES IAD Romania, explains aquatic biodiversity to visitors at Lacul Morii, Bucharest


IAD contributions to Danube Day IV - IAD Romania event on Lacul Morii 27 June 2007

For the first time IAD Romania celebrated Danube Day with an individual event

Initiator of ENVIRES IAD Romania, vice president Cristina Sandu, organised an Danube Day event to show ways of interesting public for the importance of water ecology and the richness of biodiversity. This event stands in connection to a scientific workshop in cooperation with the Institute of Biology of the Romanian Academy, where Dr. Cristina Sandu leads the Department of Aquatic Biology. Although the temperatures were very hot, interested children used the possiblity to learn about the beauty and richness of our nature.

IAD GS Harald Kutzenberger presented wetlands on Donauinsel


IAD contributions to Danube Day III - Bicycle Tour Event on Donauinsel 22 June 2007

Outdoor lecture on macrophytes by Georg Janauer and implementation of Vienna Species and Biotope Protection Program \\\"Network Nature\\\" by Harald Kutzenberger

As a second step of the IAD and Kérét Bicycle Tour on 22 June 2007 two aspects of the richness of Danube Basin were presented. The leader of IAD expert group \\\"macrophytes\\\" and president of IAD-Austrian National Comittee, Georg Janauer gave an overview on the history and concept of Vienna Danube Island and the biodiversity of macrophytes. As being project leader of the Vienna Species and Biotope Protection Program, IAD-General Secretary Harald Kutzenberger led a field trip to implementation projects to reestablish small wetlands on Donauinsel to protect especially the semiaquatic fauna and flora as part of the city biodiversity. The bicycle tour left Vienna for a visit of the Nationalpark Donauauen and to return to Györ.

The Krems Fire Department presents the mobile flood protections system


IAD contributions to Danube Day II - Bicycle Tour Krems 21 June 2007

In cooperation with Keret Organisation Györ the International Association for Danube Research organised a start event in Krems

At the ship berth in Krems with the beautiful frame of Wachau Valley as an UNESCO site of natural heritage the participants met to on 21 June 2007 to start this year´s Danube Day Bicycle Tour to Györ. On behalf of the IAD GS Harald Kutzenberger welcomed Àdám Kobrisza from Kérét Organistion in Krems. Mr Hardegger as representative of the City of Krems and Mr Strasser, the former head of the Krems Fire department, gave an impressive presentation of the mobile flodd prtection system of Krems, which belongs to the most effective in the world and even endured the flood in August 2002.


IAD contributions to Danube Day I - \\\"Donau in Flammen\\\" Wilhering 8 June 2007

IAD presents the importance of to municipalities of Upper Austria and Bavaria in the frame of tourist cooperation

Implementation of scientific approaches to local level needs a lot of activities and must take place where stakeholders meet. \\\"Donau in Flammen\\\" is a main touristic event at the river Danube with some thousand participants from big parts of Upper Dannube Municipalities. Several local Mayors of cities and villages along River Danube had their first contact to the idea of \\\"Danube Day\\\" at this event. IAD-General Secretary Harald Kutzenberger presented IAD and Danube Day to interested stakeholders, mayors and leading officials of municipalities.


IAD Library online!

The library of the International Association for Danube Research is part of the Vienna university library and can be visited online:

At present 519 titles are included in the IAD library. Vienna specialist library for biology. To browse the titles and check if a book is available please follow these instructions: choose: \\\"Online-Kataloge\\\


IAD key project Mures


IAD key project Mures

Hydromorphological mapping in Mures area starts tis years in cooperation with Excelsior and Fluvius as partners.

The Mures area in western Romania shows a high diversity of hydromorphological structures and can be model for the total Danube river basin. The hydromorphological mapping of Mures river 2007 sets a next step after the Pilot project in 2004 and the literature study 2005-2006. Main partners to provide the scientific approach are Excelsior and Fluvius.


Climate Change & Mountain Regions & SNOW FP7

Naming IAD Research on Mountains! Experts on Ecology of Snow Needed!

Any IAD expert who has experience or interest in the ecology of snow is kindly invited to send me a note a.s.a.p. e-mail: Information about FP7 in general can be obtained by clicking the links beneath.

title-page Staugeregelte Flüsse


Staugeregelte Flüsse in Deutschland - wasserwirtschaftliche und ökologische Zusammenhänge (Impounded rivers in Germany - water-management and ecological aspects) - Müller, D. Schöl. A., Bergfeld, T., Strunck, Y (Hrsg.) - Limnologie aktuell, 12, E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 2006, 337 S.

Larger rivers in Germany have been used as waterways since Roman times. Most of them are impounded to improve navigability and hydropower generation. Impounding changes hydrologic-morphological, physical, chemical and biochemical processes and so the living conditions for plants and animals. These impacts are often discussed controversially. Therefore it seemed appropriate to evaluate the findings collected in Germany during the last decades. The subject gained topicality due to the European Water Framework Directive which emphasises the assessment of the ecological situation of waters. Experts of German, Czech and Austrian institutions discussed the effects of modified structures of rivers on water biology. Their contributions are published in the presented book. Examples provide a review on impounded rivers in Germany, the Swiss-German \\\"Hochrhein\\\" and the Elbe River in the Czech Republic. So the book documents the current state of knowledge on ecological interactions in impounded rivers in Germany. It addresses to natural scientists and engineers of environmental and water management authorities and universities, and also to environmental and conservation organisations and to anyone interested in the ecology of rivers.







Photos from IAD 50 Years Celebration: IAD Conference Sept. 4th to 8th, IAD board meeting Sept. 2nd to 3rd and IAD Pre-conference tour, Aug. 28th and 29th, 2006

September of 2006 was a lucky month with full of celebrations. Beside Mozart who has his 250th birthday this year, the Austrian co-founder of IAD Reinhard Liepolt would celebrate his 100th birthday this year. We remembered the 50th anniversary of the founding of IAD in 1956. So have a look at the picture galleries of these events and find yourself and your friends. If you could not participate this time, just have a look! For further information about IAD conference, please contact Austrian Comittee of IAD or conference chairman: (presentations of conference; extended abstracts)


Proceedings: The Implementation Process of the EU Water Framework Directive from International, National and Local Perspectives

Abstracts or support material to IAD supported conference at TU Wien, Jan. 19th and 20th, 2006

Watersheds of the size of the Danube River employ many levels of planning. The Danube is also the largest river in EU territory with 815,000 km² and 18 countries contribute to the Danube River Basin. Thereby the Danube is not only the most international river, but also the most heterogeneous one. Income disparities and standard of life differences are most diverse within the Danube basin and it is difficult to regard the Danube as one entity from the management point of view. What works well in upstream countries does not necessarily work satisfactory in downstream and vice versa. For this reason the Danube was divided into 15 more homogenous sub river basins with perhaps 50,000 km² each. So far exceptional are local examples representing best practice approaches. Despite early and outstanding local examples, a general local management within the frame of the European water framework directive is not yet in place.






REPORT: Water Bodies of Mosoni Danube, Hungary

Click the link beneath to download the report 8.5 MB, 28 pages



Water Bodies of Mosoni Danube, Hungary

Research of the hydro-ecological activity of river habitats, English Summary

During the 18 months of the Econtact project, our experience has proven that joint actions provide solutions for the EU policy implementation. The introduction of the EU Water Framework Directive and its successful implementation can only be achieved by the coordinated work of the different professional fields. Contact for indepth information: &



IAD \\\"50 Years Jubilee\\\" Conference

36th International Conference: DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River Vienna – Klosterneuburg 04. - 08. September 2006

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT e-mail for preliminary registration: SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS: February 15, 2006 Languages: English (preferred!), Deutsch


CITES - Sturgeon caviar quotas for 2006 not approved

Geneva, January 3, 2006 - The Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has announced that it is unable to approve the 2006 export quotas for caviar and other sturgeon products until exporting countries provide more information about the sustainability of their sturgeon catch.


50 years jubilee conference of IAD - 50 Jahr Jubiläumskonferenz der IAD

First Announcement: 36th IAD Conference in Vienna, Sept. 4th-8th, Erste Ankündigung: 36. Konferenz der IAD in Wien/Klosterneuburg vom 4. bis 8. September 2005

36th International Conference: DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River Vienna – Klosterneuburg 04. - 08. September 2006 FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT D A N U B E. The ribbon that ties together the West, the Centre, and the East of Europe. A river that unites the greatest number of nations found in any river basin in the world. R I V E R. Engraving its course into a continent of change. Seas and lakes long vanished, but the Danube still shapes its course. L I F E. Organisms travelling along the river’s course. Finding refuge when displaced in the adjacent landscape by man. Deadline abstracts: Feb. 15th, 2006, Manuscripts: June 15th, 2006 More information at the homepage of OeN-IAD.


Genesis and typology of riparian and fluvial landforms of the Kopački Rit

Invitation to Presentation of Ph.D. Thesis of Ulrich Schwarz, EGL Floodplain Ecology,

On Dec. 7th, 2006, 16.00, at BOKU Wien, Dep. of Hydro-biology, Max-Emanuel-Straße 17; Parterre. For further information e-mail to:

happy moment


Vlodymir Yurishinets, IAD Young Scientist Awarded for Excellent Research

New Research Combining Parasitology and Hydrobiology

On Nov. 1st, Vlodymir Yurishinets received a state medal for excellent research as young scientist together with two co-researchers of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. An article with an outline of the research concept will be published soon. IAD congratulates cordially. Further information:


Überlebensmittel Wasser

Water to Survive

Article by Pius Stadelmann


Mitigation of Natural Hazards and Risk Impacts on Environment and Society

International Conference in MOLDOVA Oct. 6th and 7th, 2005

The main goals of the Conference will consist of traditional and non-traditional approaches and methods of research and the use of new procedures of interdisciplinary analyses in the correlation between various field hazards and climate. Considering the scientific and popular character of the Conference, it will offer useful and interesting information for specialists and public with regard to data interpretation of risk factors and diminution of natural hazards impact.


How to use the IAD Members Database

Download this document to learn how to manage and update your contact information.


Pax Danubiana - Internationale Kunst- und Friedensaktion, 23. Sept. 2000

23 sept. 2000, Donaueschingen/D Contact:

Auf einer Wegstrecke von fast 3000 Kilometern verbindet die Donau zehn Länder. Sie könnte Symbol für den Frieden sein, doch am Balkan herrscht Krieg.1825 Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus allen zehn Donauländern werden in einer gemeinsamenPerformance, zeitgleich in allen 20 Aktionsorten ihren künstlerischen Beitrag zur Friedensaktion pax Danubiana in einer Flasche aus recyclebarem Kunststoff der Strömung der Donau überlassen. Der Finder behält sie als Geschenk und Zeichen des Friedens.Die Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung (IAD) beteiligt sich an dieser Aktion,indem sie ein Gemeinschaftswerk aller Donauanliegerstaaten -die erste europäische Gewässergütekarte der Donau- der Flaschenpost in Regensburg beigibt.Die internationale Aktion findet am 23. September um 11.00 Uhr MEZ u.a. in Donaueschingen,Ulm, Ingolstadt, Regensburg, Passau, Linz, Krems, Wien, Bratislava, Esztergom, Budapest, Vukovar, Belgrad, Dobreta, Turnu Severin, Galati, Vidin, Russe, Ismail und Odessa statt. Am Entstehungsort Regensburg wird die Kunst- und Friedensaktion um 10.00 Uhr an der Steinernen Brücke mit Ansprache der Initiatorin, Frau Regina Hellwig-Schmid, Frau MdE Emilia Müller und Herrn OB Hans Schaidinger eröffnet. Die Umrahmung erfolgt in einer Text- und Musikcollage mit Nicole Ruby und Heinz Grobmeier.



Lebendige Gewässer: 3. Donaukolloquium Ulm, 7. Oktober 2004,

Wasserpflanzen als Bioindikatoren. Herausforderungen, Chancen und Grenzen für die Gewässeroptimierung. Water plants as bioindicators. Challenges, possibilities and limits to optimize water bodies.

Die IAD beteiligt sich nunmehr zum dritten Mal als Co-organisator des Donaukolloquium \\\"Lebendige Gewässer\\\". Diesmal liegt der Schwerpunkt auf Wasserpflanzen.


IAD Water Quality Maps State 1995, 2002

The good message: water quality improved in the Danube River basin during last decade

Due to a generous support by the European Parliament, the Bavarian Ministry of Environment and several private sponsors, it became possible to generate two water quality maps from the entire Danube river basin. This work represents a major effort of the IAD working group saprobiology and both, the old leader, Rüdiger Schmid, and the new leader, Gunther Seitz, did a major job in conducting this research.


Best Shots from 35th IAD Conference in Novi Sad, April 19th to 23rd, 2004.

Scientific Concepts and Implementation of Sustainable Transboundary River Basin Management.

Sometime pictures say more than words. Have a look at some photos by following the link which is given beneath.


River Tourism along the Austrian Danube

Presentation Gisa Ruland and Wolfgang Leitner in Cremona, Italy

IAD was invited to a seminar on river tourism in Europe. Our members Gisa Ruland, e-mail:, and Wolfgang Leitner represented IAD with the following presentation about Danube Tourism in Austria (in German).


Gastvortrag Dr. Pius Stadelmann in Wien

Flussgebietsplanung für einen Schweizer Fluss (Kleine Emme, Kanton Luzern)

Am 24.5.04 findet am Institut f. Landschaftsplanung und Gartenkunst der TU Wien ein Gastvortrag von Pius Stadelmann e-mail:, zur Flussgebietsplanung statt. Ort: TU Wien, Operngasse 11, A-1040 Wien, 3. Stock, Vorlesungssaal, Zeit: 11.30 bis 13.15 Alle IAD Mitglieder in und um Wien sind willkommen!

Pius Stadelmann


Globaler, regionaler und lokaler Umgang mit dem Über-Lebensmittel Wasser

Impulsaufsatz, Kantonalen Umweltamt Luzern

Gewässer bereichern meine Sinne, meine Träume, meine Erholung und mein Wohlbefinden. Die Wasserlandschaften der Zentralschweiz haben mich unbewusst geprägt. Quellen, Fliess-gewässer, Seen und Meere sowie die darin lebenden mikroskopisch kleinen Algen, die wirbel-losen Kleintiere und die Fische beeindrucken mich noch heute. Als ich im Jahr 1973 an der pazifischen Küste von Vancouver Island zum ersten Mal flussaufwärts wandernde Lachse sah, ging für mich ein Jugendtraum in Erfüllung. Meine Begeisterung für das Wasser erfülle ich mir in der Freizeit beim Forellenfischen sowie im Winter beim Ski- und Tourenfahren in den Bergen. Das Wasser bezaubert mich in jeglicher Form sei es in Flüsse, Seen oder als Schnee und Eis. Die Urkraft von Wasser erlebte ich hautnah während dem Unwetter 1987 im Urnerland und während verschiedenen Hochwässern in den letzten Jahren im Tal der Kleine Emme.


Watershed Management plan for a pre-alpine river in Switzerland: Kleine Emme

Stadelmann Pius und Robert Lovas, Amt für Umweltschutz des Kantons Luzern

Floodplain loss in the Danube River Basin (about 80%)


Floodplain Ecology EG

Fachgruppenleiter/Co-ordinator: Prof. Dr. Emil Dister, Head of the WWF Floodplain Institute, Rastatt, Germany

The expert group was established end of the nineties to pay attention to the growing knowledge and scientifical interest on floodplain ecosystems within the Danube River Basin and to observe the further destruction and deterioration of still existing floodplain areas along the Danube and its tributaries. In particularly the WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme supported by the WWF Floodplain Institute developed successful floodplain protection activities in the Danube Delta, along the lower Danube and the middle course of the river over the last 15 years. \\\"Biodiversity in the riverine ecosystems, as different as gravel islands, sand cliffs, side-arms or wet meadows, is extremely high. An estimated 5,000 different animal and over 600 different plant species alone in the Austrian Danube Floodplains National Park illustrates the great value of the Danube\\'s ecosystems regarding species protection and gene pool preservation. For some species, the Danube and its wetland areas constitute their main or only habitat: for example 70 % of the world population of white pelicans (Pelecanus ornocratolus) live in the Danube delta; also the rare Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) as well as the white-tailed eagle (Heliaaetus albicilla) find an important habitat here. However, 223 plant and 668 animal species are endangered and can therefore be found on Austria\\'s Red List. Some of them, such as the tamarisk and water chestnut and various river fishes (e.g. the sturgeons) are even threatened to become extinct.\\\" (extracted from the WWF Study: Waterway Transport on Europe\\'s Lifeline, the Danube, 2002) In comparison with many west European rivers, the degree of technical development of the entire Danube is still relatively low. However, this applies to the section downstream of Vienna, in contrast to the upstream section which is an almost uninterrupted cataract of technical impoundments. An assessment of WWF (UNDP/GEF 1999, see map) has shown that over 80% of the original floodplain area along the Danube and its main tributaries (in the map colored in red and yellow outside the bold margin of the recent floodplain) has been lost since the beginning of the 19th century greatly reducing the biodiversity in the region . For instance, spawning grounds for fish, such as the five species of sturgeon traditionally found in the area, have been largely destroyed. The picture shows the confluence of the Drava river with the Danube which is protected by the Nature Reserve and Ramsar site \\\"Kopacki Rit\\\" as one of the most important floodplain areas along the Danube (photo credit: U. Schwarz). The protection and the management of the still remaining floodplain areas within the Danube river basin as well as first large scale revitalisation experiences from the lower Danube could be challenging tasks for the group for the next time. (Editor Ulrich Schwarz, the two mentioned references can be find on the WEB site of the WWF Danube Carpathian Programme).


Professional and personal database of the Macroinvertebrate Expert Group



The co-ordinator\\'s circular letter of Dcember 2003

Dear Colleagues, As the year 2003 is drawing to a close, it is time to review some events of the period that has passed. In February 2003, I requested your professional and personal data for a mailing list and a database of the group. 32 colleagues - from 9 Danube countries – put their names down for membership. Well, now the database is ready; please find it attached to my circular. On 15th of December 2003 the data collection was closed. If new members wish to be admitted into the group, the database will be refurnished with their data at the intervals of half a year. I ask everybody to carefully check her/his data and let me know if any correction is needed. Furthermore, I ask you to report if changes occur in the future. From the database you can get information about your colleagues’ professional activities, about the taxonomic groups and projects in which one is involved as an expert. I hope, this small database will help your orientation effectively in the macroinvertebrate business, help find partners for bi- or multilateral co-operation, and what is more, it will be useful for possible co-operation of the whole group. I should like to call for ideas concerning future group work. My initiative plans touch upon the topic of macroinvertebrate biodiversity of the River Danube. Our deep knowledge of biodiversity must be the key to explore the processes of environmental pollutions and to execute the subsequent rehabilitation of the disturbed ecosystems. One of the most urgent requirements is to build a complete and up-to-date species level database of the aquatic macroinvertebrates living in the River Danube. Former lists (such as the one in the volume of “Limnologie der Donau”) must be revised and updated to construct a solid reference of the given time. Steps could be the following: · Collecting all published data of the River Danube and her confluents. · Completing the former dataset according to the data of current studies, which already reflect all the effects (migration, invasion, neozoa, etc.) that were caused by the latest human activities (regulation, canalisation, damming, impounding, fragmentation, etc.). · Creating and publishing the reference macroivertebrate database of the Danube catchment’s area in printed and/or electronic (web site, CD, etc.) form. This database should be the reference both in space and time for any kind of fundamental research and water management (research of the pathways of matter, biomonitoring, saprobiological water quality assessment, water quality mapping, etc.). As I do believe only such a kind of a recent and coherent species list can form strong base for the successful implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive along the whole length of the Danube. I should like to encourage everybody to express their opinion about my embryonic conception and add further remarks, ideas to it. I hope that the IAD-Congress in Novi Sad will be the right event to discuss this topic personally and to work out an executable program. By all means, further ideas or proposals are very welcome. As you know, electronic information exchange by e-mail offers the cheapest and the fastest way of communication, but it cannot replace the importance of personal meetings. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you once more of the 35th IAD-Conference during April 19-23, 2004, in Novi Sad and encourage you to take active part. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Cordial greetings, Yours sincerely, Dr. Nándor Oertel


Updating IAD Danube Map 1995/2002

Press Conference in Regensburg, Germany, on April 28th, 2004, together with Bavarian Ministry of Environment, Health & Consumer Affairs

IAD Working Group Saprobiology, headed by expert group leader Rüdiger Schmid, State Office for Regional Water Management, Regensburg, updated the previous IAD water quality map, state 1995 to the state 2002. 13 Danube countries contributed with most recent data. The press conference will release the most recent findings. For further information and invitations to pressconference contact:


Gewässergütekarten der Donau Stand 1995 und 2002

Bericht vom Workshop in Regensburg vom Oktober 2003

Am 13.12.2000 stellte die IAD in einer internationalen Pressekonferenz in Regensburg erstmals eine Gewässergütekarte der Donau von den Quellen bis zum Delta vor. Die 10.000 Exemplare in deutscher und englischer Fassung wurden im gesamten Donauraum verbreitet. Als Bearbeitungsstand wurde bewusst das Jahr 1995 gewählt, um die Verhältnisse vor Beginn der Messtätigkeit der Internationalen Kommission zum Schutz der Donau (IKSD) und somit nach Öffnung des \\\"Eisernen Vorhangs\\\" zu dokumentieren. Die Karte war schnell vergriffen. Eine Neuauflage der Karte sollte nach Ansicht des Fachgruppenleiters Saprobiologie der IAD auch die Herkunft der Verunreinigung des Hauptflusses, also den Zustand der wichtigsten Nebenflüsse wiedergeben. Nach einer 2 Jahre dauernden Sponsorensuche konnte schließlich Dank der Hilfe des damaligen Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen (StMLU) und der auf dem Abwassersektor weltweit tätigen bayerischen Firmen Huber Technology (Berching) sowie Max Bögl (Sengenthal) vom 20. - 22. Oktober 2003 der ersehnte Internationale Workshop im Umweltzentrum Regensburg durchgeführt werden. Die Mitglieder der Fachgruppe wurden im Vorfeld aufgefordert für ihr jeweiliges Land Kartierungsvorschläge der Nebenflüsse in der 7-stufigen \\\"Liebmann-Bewertung\\\" zu liefern. Die Überarbeitung dieser Beiträge erfolgte GIS-gestützt als Tischvorlage für den Workshop durch den Fachgruppenleiter Rüdiger Schmid vom Wasserwirtschaftsamt Regensburg. Nach der Eröffnung des Workshops durch den Ministerialdirektor im StMLU, Dr. Fischer-Heidlberger und einleitenden Worten des IAD-Präsidenten Jürg Bloesch ging es für die 18 Experten aus 9 IAD-Mitgliedsländern an die Arbeit. Die verhinderten Vertreter aus Slowenien, Kroatien und der Ukraine hatten gute Basismaterialien geliefert. Die den vorgeschlagenen Kartierungen zugrunde liegenden Bewertungsverfahren wurden diskutiert und die Überarbeitung der Tischvorlagen vorgenommen. Am Ende des Workshops, der in englischer und deutscher Sprache abgehalten wurde, stand die gemeinsam verabschiedete neue Karte zur Gewässergüte der Donau und ihrer Nebenflüsse 1995, die in englischer und deutscher Fassung am 28. April 2004 beim IAD NR-EGL Workshop in Regensburg vorgestellt werden soll. Aber nicht nur das: Die von den Fachgruppenmitgliedern mitgebrachten neueren Daten haben den designierten Nachfolger des Ltd. Reg.-Dir. Schmid in der Fachgruppenleitung, Herrn Reg.-Dir. Dr. Seitz von der Regierung von Niederbayern in Landshut ermutigt auch noch eine Gütekarte mit aktuellen Stand 2002 zu verwirklichen. Sie wird ebenfalls in Kürze vorliegen und mit vorgestellt werden. Mit diesem direkten Vergleich können auch die Veränderungen der letzten Jahre in der Belastung der Gewässer in anschaulicher Weise verdeutlicht werden. Beide Karten (1995/2002) werden ab etwa 10.03. gedruckt und dürften ab 01.04. downloadfähig sein.


Current Status of Sturgeons in the Lower Danube

from Milen Vassilev, e-mail:

Current status of sturgeons in the lower Danube with a view to their conservation and stable using. The study includes following principal directions: 1. Assessment of natural reproduction: a) Localization of basic sturgeon spowning sites; b) Characteristics of downstream migration of larves and juvenile sturgeons. 2. Migration patterns and winter sites of adult sturgeons. 3. Biological and ecological characteristics of sturgeons. 4. Appraisal of restocking adaptation


Related to 35th IAD Conference Novi Sad, April 19th to 23rd, 2004

Message from Snezana Radulovic: iad@eunet.yu

In spite of I am completely sure it is not necessary, however, in light of the recent troubles in Kosovo (700 km to the South-East from Novi Sad), I would like to reassure you all that it will in no way affect the forthcoming Conference. Should you have any particular concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.



IAD Contributions to Danube Day on June 29th, 2004

IAD plans various contributions to the Danube Day. Actions are planned in Slovakia by Vladimir Holcik,, in Hungary by Miklos Pannonhalmi, and in Bavaria by Rüdiger Schmid,



IAD Contributions to the Danube Day on June 29th, 2004

The preparations for the event in Vienna are proceeding at full speed. The coordination team in Vienna is consisting of representatives of the Lebensministerium (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management), AQA, UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project and the PS. The cooperation with the City of Vienna and the Vienna Waterworks is under discussion. IAD plans various activities in Bavaria, Slovakia and Hungary. For more information contact:,, and


WICHTIG! Neue Adresse! IMPORTANT! New Address!

Liebe KollegInen, Generalsekretariat der IAD befindet sich ab 1.04.2004 auf neuer Adresse: IAD Dampfschiffhaufen 54 1220 WIEN Tel/Fax: +43 1 263 27 10 (bleibt unverändert) Dear colleagues, IAD General Secretariat is moving on 1.04.2004 to the new Address: IAD Dampfschiffhaufen 54 1220 VIENNA Tel/Fax: +43 1 263 27 10 (remains unchanged)


IAD Address List


TEST: Coming Event at 35th IAD Conference

Test: Cocktail Reception

Everybody who comes to Novi Sad from April 19th to 23rd, is kindly invited to take part in the cocktail reception.


35th conference of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD)

Novi Sad, 19-23 April 2004


International Workshop: Mapping the water quality of the triburaries of the Danube River, Regensburg, 20-22 October 2003



Call for Ideas

Die IAD sammelt von Ihren Mitgliedern Forschungsideen. Diese Ideen dienen dazu Signale zu geben, an gleichartiger Forschung teilnehmen zu wollen, bzw. Kollegen mit ähnlichen Schwerpunkten zu einer Zusammenarbeit zu bewegen. IAD is collecting research ideas. The ideas inform about your area of intrest and invite colleagues to start a co-operation with you or to integrate you into their research.


Bulletin of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD) \\\"Donau Aktuell/Danube News\\\";;;;;"


2003 UN- Jahr des Wassers

Artikel von Meinhard Breiling


Sturgeon Events 2003

Stör ist mehr als Kaviar - Medienkonferenz am 7. Mai 2003 in Regensburg / Sturgeon is more than Caviar - Media Conference on May 7, 2003, in Regensburg


Water framework directive and the Rába river management planning

von István Láng/Miklós Pannonhalmi NtWA Gyor


Drei Jahre nach Baja Mare

Eine Nachbetrachtung der größten Gewässerverunreinigung Europas

von Dipl.Ing.Dr. Karl Wachter


Seminar zur nationalen WRRL-Umsetzung in Österreich, BMLFUW und ÖWAV, Wien, 22- 23 Oktober 2003


SIL-Austra Tagung 2003 in St. Georgen am Längsee vom 28. bis 31. Oktober 2003

Veranstalter: Kärntner Institut für Seenforschung


IAWD Symposium, September 2002

During September 26th to 28th, 2002, the second International Symposium of the International Association of Waterworks in the Danube Catchement on \\\"Public Drinking Water Supply in the Danube Catchment Area\\\" took place in Opatija, Croatia. Public agencies dealing with drinking water supply, engineers supplying waterworks with technical expertise as well as scientists working on various tasks of water supply took part in the meeting as well as IAD Secretary General Meinhard Breiling. IAWD - - has an interest in research related to the future drinking water supply of the Danube catchment areas. If you would like to cooperate send your e-mail to .


Study and Training Tour on Danube River Basin Management, November 2002

Funded by the IDRC and organised by ZINKE ENVIRONMENT CONSULTING, FLUVIUS and IAD: This expert training in Austria was executed under the UNDP/GEF project no. RER/99/G31/A/1G/31 „Dnieper Basin Environment Programme (DBEP)“, a Regional Project of the United Nations Development Programme with participation from the governments of Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine. The visiting expert group from the three basin countries has the task to develop a biodiversity strategy for a Dniepr River Basin Strategic Action Programme. This region is subject to various water pollution and structural interventions into the river systems. There is now international effort to reduce these problems and to develop new management and restoration programmes. In this respect, the group wants to learn and benefit from water and biodiversity management in the Danube basin


33th conference of the International Assiciation for Danube Research (IAD), Osijek (HR), 2000

Resolution of the 33th conference of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD)

German: English:


EC-Water Framework Directive - Die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (WRRL) der EU


Danube water quality map

German: English:


Joint Danube Survey

The International Comission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) organize a Joint Danube Survey from Ulm (Danube-km 2581) to Sulina (Danube-km 0) in August/September 2001 Contact:


Pax Danubiana - Internationale Kunst- und Friedensaktion, 23. Sept. 2000

23 sept. 2000, Donaueschingen/D Contact:

Auf einer Wegstrecke von fast 3000 Kilometern verbindet die Donau zehn Länder. Sie könnte Symbol für den Frieden sein, doch am Balkan herrscht Krieg.1825 Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus allen zehn Donauländern werden in einer gemeinsamenPerformance, zeitgleich in allen 20 Aktionsorten ihren künstlerischen Beitrag zur Friedensaktion pax Danubiana in einer Flasche aus recyclebarem Kunststoff der Strömung der Donau überlassen. Der Finder behält sie als Geschenk und Zeichen des Friedens.Die Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung (IAD) beteiligt sich an dieser Aktion,indem sie ein Gemeinschaftswerk aller Donauanliegerstaaten -die erste europäische Gewässergütekarte der Donau- der Flaschenpost in Regensburg beigibt.Die internationale Aktion findet am 23. September um 11.00 Uhr MEZ u.a. in Donaueschingen,Ulm, Ingolstadt, Regensburg, Passau, Linz, Krems, Wien, Bratislava, Esztergom, Budapest, Vukovar, Belgrad, Dobreta, Turnu Severin, Galati, Vidin, Russe, Ismail und Odessa statt. Am Entstehungsort Regensburg wird die Kunst- und Friedensaktion um 10.00 Uhr an der Steinernen Brücke mit Ansprache der Initiatorin, Frau Regina Hellwig-Schmid, Frau MdE Emilia Müller und Herrn OB Hans Schaidinger eröffnet. Die Umrahmung erfolgt in einer Text- und Musikcollage mit Nicole Ruby und Heinz Grobmeier.


Corporate Identity

Business Cards please use a standard paper with fine microperforation with the standard size of 85 x 55 mm (10 cards on an A4 sheet). Thank you!