
The International Association for Danube Research (IAD) was founded in 1956 and is the longest existing international scientific network in the Danube Region. IAD is an Association according to Austrian law with the goal of promoting and coordinating activities in the fields of limnology, water management, water protection and sustainable development in the Danube River basin (current structure and contact).

In 1998 IAD obtained observership in the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). Our delegates participate in various Expert Groups and develop tools and measures to protect the Danube River and to reach a sustainable river basin management as ultimate goal of the Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD)

As representative of the scientific community IAD also actively supports the implementation of the macro-regional EU-Danube Strategy as a step towards sustainable development in the Danube region.

New and renewal membership see options at the bottom of this page!

Paper Registration Form (download Word-Document)

Resolution of the 39th IAD conference (Szentendre, Hungary)

Resolution of the 40th IAD conference (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Resolution of the 41th IAD conference (Sibiu, Romania)

Links to national sub-associations of IAD:

Österreichisches Komitee Donauforschung, Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung

Further links of support:

FDG Austria, DI Norbert Exler


Save the date:

IAD conference 2025,

Our 45th IAD Conference, titled "Innovative Solutions and Cooperation to Protect and Restore Biodiversity and Ecosystems in the Danube River Basin", will be held on April 9–12, 2025, in Sofia, Bulgaria. More details will soon be available on our IAD website!


REPORT available for IAD Summer School 2024, Danube Delta

By August 2024, 20 students mainly from Romania, Austria, and also from Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, and Slovakia, chosen by IAD Country Representatives and IAD Expert Group Leaders, successfully participated in the one-week IAD Summer School held in the Danube Delta.
It focused on plastic pollution, wetland biodiversity, and nature conservation, with additional emphasis on reed management and landscape development as strategies for mitigating climate warming. See the handout for details.

Dr. Artem Liashenko died November 2024!

IAD Country Representative for Ukraine

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Dr. Artem Liashenko, Deputy Director of the Institute of Hydrobiology Kyiv and Ukraine’s IAD National Representative since 2012. A valued colleague for over 30 years, his work on benthic invertebrates, water quality, ecosystem health, and biodiversity conservation has left a lasting impact. He will be greatly missed. A tribute to his scientific legacy is featured in DN50.


We, the International Association of Danube Research (IAD), are concerned about the war in the Ukraine, a Danube Basin country. As a scientific NGO, we believe that dialogue is the key to progress and any dispute should be solved based on rational arguments. We would like to express our solidarity with the people of Ukraine during these times. Every death is one too many and in the meantime there are enough victims, so that our hope is that the fighting will end soon and a dialogue for a long-lasting peace can begin.